The United States might be one of the most developed and economically successful countries in the world, but that doesn’t mean that is without its issues. As with anywhere in the world, people of all economic statuses, race and religion face serious challenges that impact their ability to live healthy, happy lives. Yonkers is no different. We think it’s one of the best places to live in the country, don’t get us wrong, but we have some issues we need to address if all our citizens are going to reach their full potential and realize their dreams. Affordable housing and homelessness, education and extreme weather are three of the most pressing problems in Yonkers.
Let’s take a closer look at each of these problems as well as how a bipartisan approach and bipartisan policies can improve these situations for communities not just in Yonkers, but across the country.
Affordable housing and homelessness
Two of the biggest issues currently facing Yonkers residents are very closely related and currently impact thousands of families across the city. Homelessness and the ever-increasing need for affordable housing are crucial factors that can greatly contribute to or detract from our ability to conduct happy, healthy lives. As with any other large metropolis, Yonkers is experiencing a rising prevalence of both, with a lack of affordable housing greatly contributing to the number of homeless individuals in the area.
In addition to a lack of affordable housing, there are a few other reasons homelessness is an increasingly common problem in the area. First and foremost is the steady stream of people shipped to the county from the rest of the state without any kind of resources. This trend has overwhelmed the local government and city residents, and local homeless shelters are consistently operating at full capacity.
A bipartisan approach can help address both a lack of shelter as well as a lack of affordable housing in Yonkers. Bipartisan groups not directly related to Yonkers can help too. No Labels is a group with clear opinions on things such as affordable housing, and their collective knowledge can also produce big changes. The No Labels group clearly outlines the benefits that affordable housing offer to both residents and the country.
Both these issues impact people of all races, creeds and political persuasions in the city, and a similar collection of policymakers is most likely to understand the bigger picture and pull together the resources needed to make big changes. A few affordable housing projects have already begun, in fact, with bipartisan support driving their development. As more people have access to safe housing they can afford, the number of homeless in the region will steadily decrease accordingly.
The Yonkers City School District is home to roughly 25,000 students spread across 40 schools. Children and young adults from pre-kindergarten to high school depend on the district to offer the best opportunities possible for academic development as well as professional and personal development. There are plenty of positives in our educational system, but there is certainly some room for improvement, too.
Yonkers is one of the most diverse school districts in the state and is also one of the best places to teach. The number of quality teachers is lacking, however, and while most educational facilities have amazing instructors dedicated to teaching their students well and preparing them for successful lives, there is also a sizeable number of those who do not. Most other school districts in New York have more widely recognized instructors.
Bipartisan support can help make the Yonkers school district a more vibrant community. By improving pay and benefits, teams of diverse policymakers can attract both emerging and established talent from all over the country. More specifically, dedicated professionals across the aisles are more likely to make permanent changes in the way the school district treats its teachers than those who host politicians from only one of the biggest parties in the country.
Extreme weather
One of the most pressing issues in the world is the rise of extreme weather events. Yonkers has not escaped this concern, with flooding proving to be a particularly destructive problem. Unprecedented amounts of heavy rainfall have led to a variety of flooding issues, including:
- Urban flooding
- Flash flooding
- Poor drainage flooding
As a result, damage to both public and private property as well as public infrastructure has become increasingly significant. Equally concerning is the impact that this flooding has on citizens even outside of flood zones. Outdoor activities such as parades have been postponed due to extreme weather events, leaving residents disappointed.
Bipartisan cooperation can help the city of Yonkers address both current and future concerns related to extreme weather events. Not only can teams consisting of professionals from both sides of the aisle band together to create effective solutions for easing flooding but they can also address the structural damage that past flooding has caused.
Bipartisanship is a dwindling resource in the country, but policymakers from all the major parties wield power across the country. Diverse teams of professionals dedicated to providing their constituents with the best lives possible can make immense changes in the quality of life for Yonkers’ residents.