Beware of New Car Tap Accident Scam

Mr. Dan Murphy
Editor and Publisher
Yonkers Rising

Hello, Dan

A Yonkers senior reported to the Yonkers Police Department the following disturbing scam:

In a parking lot, the car of an older senior was slightly hit from behind, more like a hard tap. He got out to investigate the damage and a fellow near his stopped car knocked him down to the ground. The assailant then reached into his car and grabbed the purse of that driver’s wife, knocked him down again, and ran off. The car that had tapped his bumper immediately drove off.

The hit/tapping his car was a ruse to get him to emerge from his car, and could again be used on anyone.

The gentleman called the Yonkers PD, who told him to come in and file a report, which he did. He did not have a photo of the perpetrator, nor a license plate of the other car.

My suggestion would be, when this happens again, is to always immediately lock your car doors as soon as you enter your car;

  1. Do not get out of your car;
  2. Immediately call the police from inside your locked car
  3. If possible, note a description of the other car’s make, color, and license plate, by writing or make a cell phone photo
  4. If possible, photograph the other driver without lowering your window
  5. Email/send the photo info to yourself before these thugs might try to seize your phone.

Robert Kalfus, Yonkers

Editor’s Note: Other options for persons who don’t want to get out of there car after a minor accident-they can call 911 or drive to their local police department. If anyone else has experienced this, email us at