For decades, humans have benefited from CBD’s valuable properties. Can pets join in on the action? Here’s how cannabidiol is suitable for your animals.
Pet CBD Oil and Its Potential Effects on Your Pet’s Health
CBD crossed over from being a human product to one that gets used on different types of pets in the past few years. Among the top reasons why people turn to this cannabidiol is the claim that it helps with specific health issues in animals and humans alike. Backed by support from veterinarians, more and more pet owners are starting their animals on these infused products.
Before going out and buying any product, it is understandable to want to know the full effects of CBD oil on your cat or dog. The product’s results depend on the animal’s size and its concentration in its packaging.
How CBD Works in Pets
Like humans, CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in animals. Their ECS modulates both the nervous and immune systems. Comprehensively it is responsible for pain and metabolism regulation, improving neurological functions, and more.
For most people, the most challenging part of administering CBD to their pets is finding the best product in the market. After ingestion, it gets absorbed into the bloodstream and transported throughout the body. It interacts with the ECS and regulates processes all over the body.
Depending on the potency and size of the animal, the time taken from ingestion to seeing the effects vary. The average time is between thirty minutes and an hour, but with larger dogs and cats using smaller doses, this may exceed the hour mark. To ensure the CBD works quickly, feeding your pet a concentration that matches its body weight and metabolism is better.
Benefits of Using CBD Oil in Pets

In looking at CBD oil, it is common to wonder what the difference is between pet and human CBD oil. Some users may even go as far as feeding their animals their infused oils. For the desired benefits, it is advisable to use animal CBD oil because it contains the right ingredients and is also the correct potency. These are some of the benefits of using cannabidiol for your pets.
Helps Animals Suffering from Osteoarthritis
Animals suffering from Osteoarthritis often exhibit mobility issues. A double-blind placebo study showed that CBD oil improved mobility in dogs with the same condition. The study published in the Journal of Pain in 2020 attributed the improved mobility to cannabidiol’s anti-inflammatory effects.
Effective Pain Reliever
Cannabidiol’s anti-inflammatory properties work by reducing inflammation and also pain. As CBD interacts with the nervous system, it inhibits the reception of pain. The oil is typical for dogs and cats suffering from cancer, post-surgery pain, and other conditions. In most cases, veterinarians write a prescription that caters to the animal’s needs. They factor in the size and condition to ensure their oil is highly effective.
Aids in the Reduction of Seizures
One of the first CBD-infused drugs on the market was treating epileptic seizures in children. Owing to the same, researchers became interested in determining whether the same could effectively manage pet seizures. In a 2019 study, Stephanie McGrath and peers discovered that CBD oil reduces the frequency and intensity of animal seizures. The dogs that got the CBD treatment showed a 33% reduction in the frequency of seizures.
Reduces Anxiety
It is no surprise for people to ask, can humans take pet CBD oil for anxiety? While it may be ineffective when used by humans, the oil reduces stress in pets. The main reason for the discrepancy is in the dosage. Since animal-infused oil is so lowly potent, humans are unlikely to benefit from the same. Regardless, when fed to dogs, cats, horses, and even chickens, there is a high probability that anxiety reduces, and so does stress.
Possible Side Effects of Using CBD Oil on Pets
In feeding CBD oil to your furry friends, there is always the question of side effects. The information above details how beneficial the products are, but can they have adverse effects? Sadly, the answer is yes. When used in large amounts, animals may experience various side effects.
The most common ones include lethargy, fatigue, oversleeping, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. When faced with these issues, the best course of action is to visit a veterinarian so that the animal can get treated. An efficient home remedy is feeding the dog or cat increased water and letting it rest. After the CBD exits its system, it will return to normal.
As mentioned, one of the major causes of these side effects is overdosing. Animals do not need high concentrations of cannabidiol like human beings for the desired results. The recommended dosing per animal is 1-5mg CBD per 10 pounds. This figure means that if your dog is 20 pounds, the maximum amount of cannabidiol it should get is 10mg.
The delicate issue of dosing is what makes home preparations of pet oil difficult. Most people searching how to make pet-friendly CBD oil will use ordinary hemp buds that are highly potent. The result of the same is that the end product will be harmful to your animal. In instances where you cannot correctly determine the potency of your oil, it is advisable to buy the ready product from stores.
Most people who own pets consider the animals part of their family. This aspect is the main reason they invest in their animal health. When it comes to health benefits, CBD oil has a number. Whether you purchase yours from https://askgrowers.com/CBD/CBD-products-for-pets/pet-CBD-oil or any other source, CBD will interact with your animal’s body similarly. Its anti-inflammatory properties work with the animals’ ECS to ensure they are pain and stress-free, with high appetites and increased metabolism. Despite the array of benefits, there is also the issue of side effects with overdosing. It is always helpful to seek expert help before dosing your furry friends.
Lana Braslavska, a passionate enthusiast of the Cannabis industry, wrote this article. Not only does she offer marketing expertise to marijuana brands, but she also offers detailed information to weed users. Her passion for the product has its basis in an inherent need to promote the industry. Also, she is passionate about increasing the use of the product globally.