By Eric Wolf Schoen
You’ve always wanted to be a Democrat for a day. August 23 is the day to do it. And it’s for a good cause at that. A little noticed clause in the redistricting for Congressional and State Senate Races give you the power to do it.
You know about the controversy regarding redistricting this year. Yonkers would have been put together with Mahopac where my cousins live, almost an hour away in a Congressional district. A judge ruled the redistricting illegal, and ordered a master to come up with a fairer plan. He did that, and part of the plan gives you the right to change political parties by affidavit at the polls on the new Congressional and State Senate Primary Day, August 23.
Now that certainly is not a prime day for a Primary as many people are on vacation and frankly, who would think there would be a Primary at the end of August. So turnout will be low. But those lucky to be around can switch their political party from Republican, Conservative or Independent and vote in the Democratic Primary.
Now the question is why would you want to do it. Many of you including this writer are unhappy with the current incumbent Congressman, Jamaal Bowman. He is in a Primary that day with County Legislator Vedat Gashi who long ago announced his intentions and Catherine Parker, a new comer to the race who may act as the spoiler if her candidacy picks up any speed.
Not only are Democrats unhappy with Bowman but a lot of Republicans, Conservatives and Liberals and members of other parties are too. So on August 23, you go to your polling place, fill out an affidavit and those unhappy with Bowman can vote for I hope Mr. Gashi. This same technique is being used in the Jerald Nadler/ Carolyn Maloney race by a newcomer to the politics who is picking up quite a few supporters and may just win the Primary beating two strong incumbents who are tied neck to neck in the polls.
Again, no one is asking you to change your registration permanently. You have been given permission by the crazy political system and courts to change your registration for the day. There is nothing that says the day after the Primary you can’t switch back.
But if you are like me and many others who are unhappy with Congressman Bowman, his vote against the infrastructure bill to pay for fixing our crumbling roadways, his absence from Yonkers and lack of appearance around town unlike his predecessor, Eliot Engel, his lack of attendance at his own neighborhood meeting, our wonder where he even lives in the district he represents, his alignment with the ultra liberal AOC wing of the party, I could go on and on with the reasons why he is not representing the people of Westchester the way they deserve. Eliot Engel brought home the bacon through funds for his district and exceptional constituent service.
Jamaal Bowman is not even bringing home the bologna. At a recent event even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated she was unhappy with Bowman’s vote against the Infrastructure Bill. I know people who have tried to meet with him about issues of importance to this country and the community and he is not available. This is unacceptable.
So on August 23, Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives and Independents and all voters can show they want change in Washington and a Congressman who truly represents the people of Yonkers and Westchester County. Go to the polls, tell them you want to change your party to Democrat, fill out the affidavit, vote for Vedat Gashi and we will have a Congressman in Washington who will make us proud.
By the way, you may wonder why the State Board of Elections or Westchester County Board of Elections is not sending out a mailing bringing this simple change to voters attention. That would make too much sense!
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Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show alternating Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, WVOX.com click listen or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.