This too is Yonkers– by Eric W. Schoen
Whether it be Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, Ryan Seacrest or Anderson Cooper and his television partner of the year, when the clock turns midnight (or before or after) throngs around the world are singing Auld Lang Syne. Auld Lang Syne is an extremely old Scottish song that was first written down in the 1700s. Robert Burns is the person whose transcription got the most attention, so the song is associated with him.
We join the chorus in singing that precious tune either from the comfort of our home, at parties or if we are lucky watching the ball drop in Times Square. But do we know what it means? One good translation of the words “auld lang syne” is “times gone by.” So (incorporating a couple of other translations) when we sing this song, we are saying, “We’ll drink a cup of kindness yet for times gone by.”
It’s hard to believe another year has gone by! It seems like only yesterday that I was getting ready for gastric sleeve surgery, preparing myself for weeks of clear bullion and jello. As my doctor said, you have to psychologically be prepared for this change in your life and if you are you will be successful. It’s a year now and of the surgeries I had in 2018 it was by far the easiest and most rewarding.
I guess that’s how life works. Whether it be stopping smoking, starting an exercise routine or learning a new skill, you have to be ready to do it to succeed. And you need a support network of friends and family to be there for the ups and downs.
Christmas Eve day my sister and I will be spending with the Costantini clan, an over 50 year tradition. Every year there is someone new at the table, and patriarch Chubby who is a second father to me is encouraged to knock a wall down so that there is more room at the table for the additions. Somehow everyone Magically fits at the table laden with luscious things to eat and a good time is had by all!
Two Christmas Eve experiences stick out in my mind. I remember being at B. Altman’s, a clothing store in White Plains where the Westchester Mall now sits and the clock turned to 6 p.m., store closing time. People scurrying for those last minute gifts. Over the loudspeaker I heard, ‘Good Evening Shoppers. It’s 6 p.m. And Altman’s will be closing. Please take your purchases to the register. We will reopen at 9 a.m on December 26.’
Were the shoppers rushing home with their treasures? I knew it would be at least an hour before everyone had picked out that last special gift and paid for it at the register. But the adrenaline in the store of shoppers realizing the closing hour was drawing nigh and Santa’s gift list was incomplete was such a magical feeling. And management would keep the store open to make sure shoppers wish lists were filled.
My mom had a friend who worked in the Oriental Rug Department at John Wanamaker’s at Cross County Shopping Center where Sears sits today. The store, similar to a Macy’s or Lord & Taylor’s had clothing, electronics, jewelry and much more. They also had a lunch room on the third floor where we would dine during shopping and my mother could have her favorite dish, a plate with 4 or 5 vegetables of the day.
Now if you passed the oriental rug department ten times, probably nine out of the ten times you would see my mother’s friend with nary a customer in sight. But on Christmas Eve for some reason people wanted oriental rugs. Mind you the rugs were often quite large, not something you could throw on the back seat.
Wanamaker’s had No delivery on Christmas Eve but people wanted their rugs. They would tie them to the roofs of their cars (SUVs were not popular back then) or have them hanging out Car windows.. Folks had to get those rugs home Christmas Eve and the only other way to get it home would be if Santa could pass by with Rudolph and the sleigh!
Lots of changes heading our way in 2019. My dear friend of over 25 years Andrea Stewart Cousins will take the reigns in Albany with Democrats in the majority in her chamber, the New York State Senate as well as the New York State Assembly and in the Governor’s office.
My friend Nader Sayegh will proudly take his seat in the New York State Assembly representing Yonkers. It seems like only yesterday that Nader and his brothers were busy working helping their Uncle Gus run Saratoga Dairy, a grocery store on Lawrence Street and Bruce Avenue. Actually it was over 50 years ago.
The Sayegh brothers, now Doctors, Lawyers and professionals all worked their way through college helping their relatives in their respective grocery stores. They weren’t rich but they were determined to be successful businessman as Nader is to serve our State after a distinguished career in Education and Law. Nader knows the issues. It will take him no time to learn how Albany works and how he can help his constituents.
Locally we will see if politicians who changed the term limit rules in the middle of the night can prove to the electorate that, ‘Our city cannot exist without them.’ What they did was beyond pathetic and challengers are coming out to give the incumbents a run for their money. I hope they do!
I want to thank Dan Murphy, Bayan Baker and all the folks at Rising Media for giving me the opportunity each week to share my thoughts with you. The Newspaper business is a rough one in the digital age, but every day Dan and company take steps to make their great papers more accessible to the public on various platforms.
And finally, thank you dear readers for welcoming me into your homes each week to tell you what is on my mind. I always enjoy hearing from you whether you agree or disagree with me. My job is a two way street and it is important that I receive your praise when you like what I say or that you gently tar and feather me when we disagree.
We pray for those we lost this year and for those who tragically died in the fire at the Jewish Community Center in Yonkers in 1965!
In closing, I raise my glass to toast you! ‘We’ll Drink a Cup of kindness yet for Auld Lang Syne!’
Reach Eric Schoen at thistooisyonkers@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen and Dan Murphy on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM or download the SIMPLE RADIO app for free from the APP STORE