On June 30, Rob Astorino, a former two-term Republican Westchester County Executive endorsed Yonkers businessman, community leader and 6th District Councilmember Anthony Merante for Mayor of Yonkers.
Astorino said of Merante, “ I’ve known Anthony for over decade. He’s a 35-year Yonkers resident, homeowner and community leader and is totally committed to the success of Yonkers. For the past five years on the City Council, Anthony has shown his dedication to his constituents in working relentlessly to solving their problems. Anthony is also a man of great integrity. He has proven this by leading the fight to restore the term limits decision back to voters. I know Anthony has the determination, energy, and, as a CPA, the fiscal expertise to lead Yonkers to a better future.”
Anthony Merante stated, “I’m honored to receive the endorsement of our last great Republican county executive, Rob Astorino. Rob was elected twice in one of the bluest and most populous counties in the state, and also won big in Yonkers each time. He proved that working in a bipartisan manner can yield results that benefit everyone. During Rob’s 8-year tenure he never once raised County taxes and actually cut them. I admire Rob’s approach to governing. He struck the right balance between what the government takes and what the people can afford to give. He protected taxpayers while preserving essential services, promoted economic growth and created jobs, all of which helped Yonkers.”
Merante added, “ As mayor, I will restore public service and fiscal responsibility to City Hall and will address Yonkers’ high taxes, corruption scandals and our growing crime problem. Being a mayor should not be about pandering to special interests. I intend to work collaboratively in a bipartisan way to get things done for all our residents. Mike Spano raised taxes 11 times in the past 12 years. His 31% tax increase have chased many longtime residents out of Yonkers. Nearly every day I hear of someone selling their home and leaving Yonkers for a more affordable areas. I’m committed to being a fighter for all the forgotten people of Yonkers, not for developers and lobbyist looking to enrich themselves at the expense of our residents.”