By Dan Murphy
We thank Westchester Assemblyman Tom Abinanti, who represents the 92nd District, (Greenburgh and Mount Pleasant), for reaching out concerning an article that claims he does not support vaccinations and specifically COVID vaccinations.
“Nothing can be further from the truth,” said Abinanti, who will face a democratic challenge from County Legislator MaryJane Shimsky in June 2022. Supporters of Shimsky that we spoke to when she made her announcement claimed that many Westchester democrats don’t agree with Abinanti’s stance on vaccinations.
“I have acted to promote vaccinations and make them available. I have voted for all appropriations to make sure vaccinations are available, and I voted for legislation to allow pharmacies to administer vaccinations,” said Abinanti, who has made robocalls to his district urging all to get the COVID vaccination.
“I have been an advocate for getting the COVID vaccination from day one, and for wearing a mask, and I tell as many people as possible to get vaccinated. The science is sound and shows that the COVID vaccines are effective in preventing serious complications from COVID. The science is sound and its effective at preventing serious complications from covid infection,” said Abinanti.
A search of Abinanti’s social media accounts show notifications of upcoming vaccination pop up sites and no comments against getting the COVID vaccine. Several years ago, Assemblyman Abinanti did vote to preserve religious exemptions for other vaccines, which passed in the Assembly.
“I supported a small number of religious exemptions where there is a valid religious reason. I wanted that religious exemption because I believe it is a protected right in the constitution. For that reason, some have tried to portray me as being anti-vaccination.
“But the truth is that I have done whatever I possibly can to support vaccinations, and I will put up my record against anyone else on promoting vaccinations. When constituents, friends and family call me and ask about getting the COVID vaccination, I ask two questions. Have you gotten the other vaccinations, and are you allergic to any vaccinations. When the answer is no to both, I say, then you should get vaccinated.”
Finally, we asked Abinanti if he was vaccinated. He replied, “Unfortunately, not yet, as I am following my doctor’s advice to delay vaccination since I have recovered from covid and have a contraindicating medical condition. Thus, I recognize the importance of vaccinating as many as can be vaccinated to protect those with medical conditions who can’t be vaccinated.”