By Dan Murphy
Assemblyman Nader Sayegh is seeking reelection to represent the people of Yonkers for another two years in Albany, Sayegh is seeking his third, two-year term representing the 90th Assembly District, which includes most of Yonkers. Sayegh is running on his record of delivering for the City he has served in so many ways for 45 years in different ways.
In the Assembly, Sayegh has been able to deliver for Yonkers specifically:
-Education: Assemblyman Sayegh has delivered record state funding for the Yonkers Public Schools. Sayegh, who served as a School Principal and President of the Yonkers Board of Education, is uniquely qualified to advocate for the students and staff of YPS in Albany, and has proven results. He has the endorsement from the Yonkers Federation of Teachers, YFT, NYSUT and CSEA.
“We want our streets to be safe, but my philosophy is not based on defunding the police. Its about supporting law enforcement and getting them the funding they deserve, and to provide the training and resources they need to do their job in a more efficient way.”
Assemblyman Nader Sayegh
Specifically, Sayegh has worked to combat gun violence with stronger laws and state grants to yonkers communities to combat crime on a neighborhood basis. Sayegh has delivered state funding for the Yonkers Police Department for specialized training, and has helped deliver over $1 Million to the NYS SNUG safe street program in Yonkers.
In the Assembly, Sayegh has also co-sponsored legislation to stop thieves from stealing catalytic converters. Salvage businesses will have to keep records on the people they buy these anti-pollution devices from, which will severely curtail the market for these stolen auto parts.
-Inflation: Sayegh helped pass a sales tax exemption for diapers to help mother’s who were having problems caring for their babies and seniors who rely on disposable diapers. Sayegh also voted for an exemption of the sales tax on gasoline to help families at the pump.
-COVID-During the Pandemic, Sayegh demanded that the state put a COVID testing site in Yonkers at the Armory. “We spoke out and our voices were loud. My Assembly office never closed and my staff put in the time and effort to help people who needed it. That is what we do,” said Sayegh. Constituents received help with vaccination appointments and unemployement and small business applications.
-Sayegh has also supported passing legislation to protect women’s reproductive rights and health care decisions.
–Labor: Sayegh has the endorsement from Teamsters Local 456. “My position is that I would rather see men and women working and earening a living that allows them to educate their kids and pay mortages and provide health care and live in Yonkers. I have been fighting for workers rights by passing laws protecting labor organizations and fighting against unsafe working conditions, in addition to fair wages and health care coverage,” said Sayegh.
Sayegh likes to explain that he proudly serves as a member of the Yonkers community, in the city that he has lived all of his life. “Whether its working with Council Majority Leader Tasha Diaz to distribute food, or working with businesses to support development, or working with nearly all regional and state organizations to make sure there is affordable housing, or protecting legislation for a women’s right, or protecting legislation to make sure that we limit guns on the street, or make sure that we reduce taxes so homeowners get rebate checks, that is what we do in Albany.”
Assemblyman Sayegh has served Yonkers for over 40 years as a volunteer, President of the Board of Education, Chairman of the Parking Authority, Hospital Boards, Youth and Community Organizations including the NAACP and Spanish foundation, to name a few.
“November 8 is Election Day, and in the days before that we have early voting. There is no excuse, if you complain about issues you better speak up and vote. Don’t take it for granted,” said Sayegh.
Sayegh is running against Republican City Council Minority Leader Mike Breen.