By Dan Murphy
Assembly candidate John Isaac thanked the voters of Yonkers for the opportunity to meet the people and hear their concerns. Going into the final days before Election Day, Nov. 5, Isaac reminded voters what’s at stake.
“To all the people of Yonkers I have met during this campaign, I thank you and ask for your vote. The hard work that we have done has turned my campaign for Assembly into a very close contest where
every vote will matter.
“Why is my election against Nader Sayegh so close? Because thousands of us in Yonkers don’t want the status quo to continue in Albany. We know we are not better off today than two years or four years ago. And we need change, and I need your vote to fight for change in Albany.
“Public service should be a calling and not a career. I am not a career politician and never will be. Give me the chance to speak up for you in Albany, and then vote me in or out after 730 days.
“When you cast your vote on Nov. 5 or in early voting, remember the issues that we are all facing in Yonkers and New York State. Crime is up. We spent $5 Billion on cell phones, debit cards and hotels for migrants.
“We can all think of how our City of Yonkers could have used that $5 Billion. How about for our schools and more services for our children? How about paving our roads? Or to help our police to fight crime?
“Four years ago, we were just coming out from COVID, and inflation was starting to hurt us all. Families were hurting, and it was going to be a tough Christmas for many. At the same time, Nader Sayegh voted to give himself a 30% pay increase.
“This is the worst example of Nader Sayegh being a rubber stamp for the super majority democrats in Albany. He could have voted against the pay hike, come home, and told the people of Yonkers why he did it. Instead, they all gave themselves a raise in the middle of the night.
“People in Yonkers are hurting, and we are concerned about our children’s future. I want my children and grandchildren to live in Yonkers and appreciate the city I love.
“I came to this country as a legal immigrant to have a chance at the American dream. I have lived that dream with hard work and the love of family.
“Give me your vote to bring back the American dream to the people of Yonkers and all New Yorkers.
“When you cast your vote, ask why is this election between Nader Sayegh and myself so close? And what vote can I take to make a differenc?.”
“We all know we have a problem in Albany. Let’s do something about it.”