By Dan Murphy
One of the more important decisions that voters will make when they go to the polls on Nov. 5 and in early voting is on Proposition One. Assembly candidate John Isaac is calling on voters in Yonkers to vote no on Prop One.
“Proposition One has become symbolic of what is wrong with our state government in Albany. Originally, Prop One was a way to codify abortion law in New York, but now we learn that if passed, medical providers could be required to facilitate a child’s request to make permanent, life-altering “gender affirming” decisions and they would not need to consult with their parents. Additionally, biological males would have a constitutional right to compete in girls’ school sports,” said Isaac.
“I wouldn’t want my daughter to have to compete on girls’ high school sports teams with boys, and I have spoken to parents whose daughters would feel uncomfortable in the locker room, but also are concerned about the safety aspects involved with playing with much stronger boys on their teams. We have to save Girls sports on Nov. 5.”
Isaac has joined with other Yonkers residents, New Yorkers, and bi-partisan groups, including The Coalition to Protect Kids-NY, and State Senate candidate Gina Arena, in trying to inform voters about the dangers of Proposition One.
“I also agree with the state Athletic Administrators Association, who said that they are “adamantly opposed and rightfully concerned about the potential physical, mental, and liability implications for school districts, community members, families, and specifically, female athletes. These implications could include increased risk of injury, unfair competition, and potential loss of opportunities in their respective sports,”
“Our Athletic Directors at High Schools across the state know what is best for our female athletes. Let’s not inject politics into girls high school sports. My other fear is that some girls will lose their place on their high school team after being replaced by a boy. “
Isaac said that the issue of Prop One is an example of how out of touch many NY Democrats have become. “The supermajority of democrats in Albany has given us a $5 Billion price tag to pay for migrants to have hotels rooms, debit cards and cell phones. They have given us the bail reforms that allow repeat offenders to walk out of court free. And now they want to pass Prop One without telling the public what it really means.
“My opponent is part of the problem. He has been a rubber stamp for all of the bad ideas and laws coming out of Albany. This should be a wake-up call for all of us to make a change. That is why I’m running for Assembly. I’m not a career politician but we can’t stand by anymore.
“They stuffed Prop One with radical social issues that take away the rights from parents. My neighbors are telling me enough is enough. We need a voice of reason speaking out for us in New York not a rubber stamp. We need more people saying NO to laws that don’t make sense.
“I think the more and more the people of Yonkers learn about Proposition One, the more they will be opposed to it, and opposed to the democrats supporting it, like my opponent.
That’s why I have created signs that say, “Save Girls Sports.” If you want a sign let us know. Let’s get hundreds of signs on our lawns across the city and show them how we really feel.
“Proposition One is based on a lie that a women’s abortion rights are in jeopardy in New York State. That right will never be overturned in New York State.
But what is in Prop One are new constitutional rights to gender identity or gender expression. High school students have to go to a nurse to get Tylenol, and they can’t go to a tanning salon without their parents permission. But we are going to allow our young children to make a life-changing decision about their gender without their parents knowledge or consent? I don’t think that a majority of voters in Yonkers want that to happen. My opponent supports Prop One—I am saying NO.
I also want the people of Yonkers to know that Prop One includes new rights based on “national origin,” which would give taxpayer benefits to illegal migrants. And New York City has enacted a law to grant noncitizens the right to vote. When is enough enough?
“I came to this country legally as an immigrant in 1986. I played by the rules because I wanted to live the American Dream. And Yonkers and New York State have given my family and I that opportunity; to work hard, raise a family, and live the American dream. That is why I am running, to give back and fix Albany so that the American dream is available to my children and grandchildren, and your children and grandchildren.
“There is a reason why opposition to Prop One has grown all over our State. This is a bad idea, that needs to be rejected on Nov. 5. Vote No on Proposition One, and Save Girls Sports,” said Isaac.