Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, (AOC), and Fox News Host Tucker Carlson stand at opposite ends of the US political spectrum. Carlson and AOC went head to head this past summer, with Carlson challenging AOC’s then denial of her suburban upbringing in Yorktown and her call for defunding the police.
“Unfortunately, not everyone lives in a suburb as placid and protected as the one Sandy Cortez grew up in, with all the bake sales and pool parties. Cities like St. Louis and Baltimore are more violent than El Salvador, and they’re getting more dangerous by the day. None of those people died because there were too many cops on the street, they died because, thanks in part to sloganeering from pampered dilettantes like Sandy Cortez, there were too few cops. Less law enforcement in dangerous places means more killings. It is the most dangerous time to live in New York City in a quarter-century,” said Carlson in August.
AOC responded, calling Carlson a “white supremacist sympathizer” following his commentary. “I go back and forth on whether to go on Fox News,” the congresswoman wrote, quote-tweeting a video of the segment, continuing that the principal reason she does not “is squaring the fact that the ad revenue from it bankrolls a white supremacist sympathizer to broadcast an hour-long production of unmitigated racism, without any accountability whatsoever. ‘Immigrants are dirty’ is a lazy, tired, racist trope, “said AOC.
But the lack of adequate releif given to millions of Americans who are out of work, hungry and on the edge of eviction have brought both Carlson and AOC together.
Carlson said that the $900 Billion COVID relief package was ” a lot of money, but on the other hand, there’s a lot of need. Thanks in part to government lockdowns, more than 100 million Americans are out of the workforce. One in six restaurants is closed. Huge parts of the retail sector are in tatters. J. Crew, Pier 1, Neiman Marcus, Brooks Brothers, Century 21 and many others are in bankruptcy.”
So be glad to know there is something for you in this bill. It is entirely possible that you could get a $600 check, courtesy of the U.S. Congress.” Sure, $600 is better than nothing. But why are American citizens such low priority?
“There’s a whole lot more for the rest of the world,” Carlson explains the bill. “This bill spends $10 million on what it calls ‘gender programs’ in Pakistan. Now, Congress doesn’t specify exactly what those are. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., seems to know, and he’s thrilled about it.”
It gets better: “On the other hand, it’s also pretty good to be a Jordanian. The same bill passed (but not read) by Congress allocates $500 million for border security in that country. Congress wants to help Jordan build a wall along its 275-mile long border with Syria. But how will you feel about it? Well, who cares how you feel about it? You get $600, so shut up.”
AOC asked her millions of Twitter followers, “PLEASE CALL YOUR MEMBER if you have any doubt whatsoever on what their stance is, And if you don’t want your member to vote for a $600 deal, you really need to tell them that. Don’t think ‘oh I voted for a Dem, we’ll be fine.’ No. If there’s an amount that’s too little, or any other red line that you want them to vote NO on, then you need to tell them that.”
Two other unusual political allies, Seantor Bernie Sanders and Sen. Josh Hawley, called for a second $1,200 check for Americans who last received any pandemic relief since April.
Pork barrel spending in the bill is much more than the $600 checks set to go to Americans. The Kennedy Center for the Arts will get $40 Million after getting $25 Million in the first bailout bill.
President Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi have also called for $2,000 stimulus checks to suffereing Americans.
Once again it appears that our Federal Government has failed most Americans. Please help those who need it most! If the $2,000 checks need to be pro-rated based on income, then so be it. Getting a check for $600 after six months of a pandemic lockdown is clearly not enough. Those of us who still have a job and a home are lucky. Millions of other Americans are not so fortunate. Let’s try to help them get through the winter.