Anti-Zionist You Tuber Campaigns for Bowman for Congress NY-16

By Dan Murphy

Voters in the democratic primary for Congerss have heard a lot of pleas to vote for either Jamaal Bowman or George Latimer. AOC and Bernie Sanders have come to support Bowman, while Hillary and former Governor David Patterson are supporting Latimer.

One of our readers sent us the following email about another supporter of Bowman. “I am a reader of your publications and particularly enjoy the coverage of Jamaal Bowman. As we head into the final weekend, some people are planning to canvass for the benefit of Bowman, including by an organization called Progressive Victory, which includes many online personalities with a range of views.

“Among those planning to canvass for Bowman is a YouTuber and Streamer called Ian Kochinski (known as Vaush), who has over 450k subscribers on YouTube. Vaush has been a vocal opponent of Israel, and has also recently been embroiled in a rather embarrassing non-political scandal after opening a folder of drawn (and very disgusting) pornography while livestreaming.  Considering the storm that caused, it may be of interest to your readers who is canvassing for this member of the squad. As the canvassing is scheduled for June 22nd-23rd.”

Vaush, whose real name is Ian Kasinski, has half-a million followers on YouTube. His bio reads, “Hi, I’m Vaush. I believe progressive socialism is the best solution to the problems our country – all countries – face, and I’m here to make arguments in favor of that belief. I broadcast live streams where I do debates, cover current events, critique media.”

Vaush recently posted YouTube videos where he narrates his views on the Bowman-Latimer News12 debate, and speculated whether questions were planted by Latimer’s supporters.

Vaush has called for an invasion of Israel by the US, and has engaged other real celebrities like author JK Rowling in an online war of wordsm, tweeting “Women be quieter and start apologizing.”

But the most troubling part from Vaush’s online videos was a moment when he accidentally opened a private folder of his, which contained drawn images, including underage looking girls and horses. (Let’s leave it at that folks, you can delve more into this guy’s sick perversions by Googling him). Vaush has also said odd things about people who possess child pornography.

These two pieces of Vaush’s online persona should have eliminated him from volunteering for the Bowman campaign. But a photo from Progressive Victory below shows Vaush with a few other You Tubers and bloggers pushing for a get out the vote for Bowman campaign

If anyone of our readers in Westchester got a weird knock on your door this weekend, let us know about it.