Story and photos by Robert Kalfus
The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVoA) honored the sacrifice and memory of Westchester’s 217 soldiers and 8 nurses who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, losing their lives and never returning home alive from the Vietnam conflict, at Monday’s annual Memorial Day observance at Lasdon Park’s Trail of Honor.
“It is said that a person dies twice. Once when you stop breathing, and the second time, when your name is no longer mentioned,” declared VVoA Director Dan Griffin. “We are here to make sure that ever happens. We will always be here, every year, to make sure that our fallen heroes are remembered.”
New this year to the annual memorial was Jenna Scanlan, 16, a member of Girl Scouts Troop 1376 in Yorktown Heights, who has been in scouting since kindergarten. Last summer, Jenna visited the Trail of Honor for the first time, and “saw so many opportunities for cleanup and trail enhancements”, that she “asked Lasdon Park if she could take on a project to improve the Trail of Honor”, to which they agreed.
Jenna was not inspired to her chosen project by any military in her family. Jenna has volunteered with United for the Troops, and is very aware of the importance of respecting and honoring our military, and was inspired to want to improve the Trail of Tears and make it more attractive and interesting. Jenna started working on improving the Trail of Honor in September 2020, asking Lasdon Park to construct flag holders, and with the help of another Girl Scout friend Emily Sorrentino, painted all the flag holders.Working even during the winter of 2020, Jenna and four others removed invasive vines along the Trail of Honor path; with the help of six others cleaned weeds from the 44 memorials; and enlisted the help of four others to place the Gold Star holders and American flags at each of the 44 statues. Jenna plans to make wreaths for each statue, and to create informational signs about each war. Jenna plans to finish her improvement project by end of July 2021, and which she hopes will earn her a Girl Scout Gold Award, equivalent to the rank of Eagle Scout.
Each Veteran and visitor leaving the Memorial Day Trail of Honor ceremony were greeted by Jenna and her mother Lori with a box of free delicious Girl Scout cookies, an appreciate and sweet smile, and a sincere handmade Thank You card.
People like Jenna, who are younger than the aging Veterans, will ensure that our fallen Veterans are remembered.
The Trail of Honor is open year-round and tours are provided upon request from Chapter 49 VVoA. Services are held at the Vietnam Memorial on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. A Candlelight Vigil is held there on the last Sunday before Christmas every year. Please contact Chapter 49 for information at www.LasdonTrailOfHonor.com or call (914) 682-4949.