Andrew Cuomo Predicts a Kathy Hochul Win Nov. 8

“Democrats are Tongue-tied Over Crime”

Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo appeared as a guest on the Cats at Night radio show on WABC Radio 770 AM on Nov. 5 and predicted that Governor Kathy Hochul will narrowly win on Nov. 8.

“As a democrat, I am concerned about the upcomng election on a national level. You have hyper-partisanship on both sides of the aisle. The major interests have turned to crime and inflation, and the democratic party is tongue tied on crime-they don’t want to talk about keeping the public safe,” said Cuomo, who added that republican candidate for Governor, Lee Zeldin is too far out of step with New Yorkers on social issues, and despite crime and inflation at the top of NY voters concerns, Hochul will win in the end because of social issues like abortion, marriage equality, gun control, and Zeldin being an “election denier.”

“I think here in NY the republicans are more out of step with our state. Yes you have crime and inflation, but you have a republican candidate that is our of touch with every social value in NY state. This is a state that is a pro-choice state, and the first state to pass marriage equality, and we banned assault weapons.”

“To run a candidate that is pro-life, Zeldin, who is against gun control and against marriage equality and who is an election denier, he’s against 75% of New Yorkers on these issues.

Also on the radio show was former NY GOP Chair Ed Cox who disagreed with Cuomo. “I ran a Superpac for Zeldin and we started talking about crime and infation, and our numbers went up.”

“Hochul wins. It’s tighter than it should have been, because of crime and inflation, but the social issues still take Hochul over the top,” said Cuomo, who placed a friendly bet with Cox on the outcome.

The former Governor has not been asked to campaign for NY Dems this election, nor has he used any of his remaining $14 Million in his campaign account to help any NY Dems.