Shakeem Parker is Now Famous for Killing Legendary Harlem Drug Kingpin

Shakeem Parker, 27, of W. 149th St., has been charged with murder and gun possession for Alpo’s killing, at 230 am on Oct. 31, on W. 152nd street. Parker was indicted on Feb. 7 for the murder and gun charge. He is being held in Riker’s on $1 Million Bail.
According to The Daily News and other accounts through NYPD sources, Alpo ticked Parker off one night last year driving his motocycle too fast and too close to Parker, who was a pedestrian. According to new reports, Alpo didn’t hit Parker with his bike, but rode too close to Parker, in a disrespectful way.
Parker and Alpo had the same personality and wouldn’t back down. Parker waited for his moment, which came at 3am on Haloween night, while hanging outside of a bodega, he saw Alpo’s Red Truck drive by. Parker, who has been arrested in the past on gun, drug and robbery charges, was ready and followed Alpo eventually shooting up his car and killing one of the three famous Harlem drug dealers made famous in the 2002 movie Paid in Full.
The NYPD got the tip that Parker was the shooter, from who is still a mystery. But that tip led police to view video footage of the night outside of the bodega, where they found Parker on the night of the shooting. Parker’s cell phone also points to the same location on 10/31/2021.
Not much is known about Parker, including any photos. While Parker is now famous, or infamous for killing Alpo, the criminal charges could put him away for life.