Mayor Mike Spano joined with Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Councilman John Rubbo and residents to officially open the New Main Street Community Garden, located at the corner of New Main Street and School Street.
In early 2018, the members of the Latin American Youths Group noticed a vacant lot in the area being used as an illegal dumping ground; with permission from the City of Yonkers, they began the monumental task of cleaning up the lot, however due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they were forced to suspend their efforts and in July 2020, equipped with renewed energy and additional volunteers, they restarted their efforts to completion.
Special thanks to Pedro Álvarez Marin, Liver Sanchez, members of the Latin American Youths Group and all the volunteers who came together to make this possible! Main Street Community Garden is a safe, open space for recreation and relaxation, as tables and chairs grace the area.
All of the work and decor was paid for out of the pockets of the volunteers. This includes 2 large picnic tables with umbrellas, 3 metal benches with the word Welcome on them, a solar powered water fountain, a large bird feeder and several bird houses attached to the trees present on the lot.
Also, performing for the event were the talented members of: Academia de Mariachi Nuevo Amanecer.
photos by Donna Davis