By Dan Murphy
Three democrats are running in the June 22 primary for the county board of legislators in District 17, Southwest Yonkers. Two of the candidates have already served on the county board: Legislator Jose Alvarado is the incumbent seeking re-election and former Legislator Virginia Perez is looking to return to White Plains. The third candidate is community activist London Reyes, who came within 300 votes from winning this county board race two years ago.
Reyes points out that, “For the past 20 years, this district has been represented by two people on the county board, Virginia Perez and Jose Alvarado. I ask the people, are you satisfied, or do you want to make a change?”
Legislator Alvarado has been out and about, working hard trying to win the primary and win re-election. In 2011, Alvarado lost to Virginia Perez. Perez served for 7 years on the county board before stepping down in the middle of her term to start up an online pet supplies company. Alvarado then took back his county board seat where he continues to serve.
Perez is said to be knocking on doors and actively campaigning but has not publicly made a statement kicking off her campaign, and she has not created any kind of campaign social media account. All of this had many Yonkers democrats scratching their heads.
Alvarado has picked up two big endorsements in the race, from Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano and from County Executive George Latimer. “During the pandemic, Jose rallied his neighbors to get food and PPE to those in need,” said Latimer. “He helped get vaccine appointments to those who needed them. I was proud to join him in establishing the funding for a new waterfront park in the community.”
Mayor Spano said, “Jose is an important partner for me as we expand Yonkers renaissance. Jose and I created the Yonkers Youth Bureau and will always work together for a better Yonkers. Jose Alvarado has kept his promises, now its time to support him with our votes in the upcoming primary.”
Reyes has come out with a progressive agenda for change, calling for an affordable housing ordinance of 20% or higher, calling for northern Westchester to keep their own sewage, and “We need somebody that will stand up to the developers. I’m offering a choice to the people instead of the same thing that we have gotten for the past 20 years.”
Reyes, who is well known in the community from the AAA All-Star program, which offers young students a number of after school activity options, has an answer about how to keep kids of the streets and from joining gangs. “We need more programs, services, activities and jobs for kids. I said this back in 2007 and it’s the same answer today.”
One of Reyes’ strongest points is on the Westchester County Water Treatment facility, located in Southwest Yonkers. The plant has been a constant source of odors to residents in the district for years. A recent plan was announced to use federal dollars to remediate the fumes and build a park at the same location.
“Do you think its wise, in the middle of COVID, to spend millions on a park in Ludlow, when the money is desperately needed for food and PPE, for the people in the district. Let’s help the people in the community now, and not focus on re-election. And let’s not spend millions more here, build another plant in northern Westchester,” said Reyes.
Reyes says he is the true progressive in the race. He was an early supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders for President, and a supporter of Jamaal Bowman for Congress. “I think the Virginia and Jose have had their chance to represent us for the past 20 years.
“It’s a different time now. If you want things to continue like they have for the past 20 years, and you are better off today, then vote for Jose or Virginia. If you have to work multiple jobs and don’t have health care, then vote for London Reyes.”
Perez is the wild card in this democratic primary. She is one of the strongest, door to door campaigners in Yonkers. That is how she defeated Alvarado 10 years ago.
We have always respected Virginia Perez for getting involved after the tragic death of her brother. This time, she has two strong opponents who both ran two years ago.
The Yonkers Democratic Party is supporting Alvarado for re-election. Yonkers Democratic Chair Tom Meier said that Alvarado is the progressive in the race. “Jose has proven himself as the progressive. He is getting things done and working with County Executive Latimer, he was working on a plan for the water treatment plant. We are supporting Jose,” said Meier.
Meier said that Virginia Perez had not contacted him, or anyone in the Yonkers democratic party, to announce her candidacy. Meier said that while Perez will attract votes as the only woman in the race, it will be up to Alvarado to remind voters that Perez joined with republican county executive Rob Astorino to form a working majority on the county board made up of republicans and Perez.