We Endorse Sheila Marcotte for Eastchester Town Board

Sheila Marcotte

Marcotte Unfarily Attacked by Democratic Opponent

Rising newspapers endorses Sheila Marcotte for Eastchester Town Board Nov. 3.  Marcotte brings 13 years of elected public service to this race; 7 years on the County Board of Legislators and, prior to that 6 years on the Eastchester Town Board, where she was appointed to last month.

In both offices, Marcotte has proven herself to be a taxpayer watchdog, looking to find efficiencies in government and wasteful spending that can be eliminated. She served as the Budget Chair on the County Board for four years and during that time there was NO county property tax increase.
Marcotte also has a wealth of community involvement and service that she brings to this race, including the Eastchester Historical Society,

Eastchester Community Action Program, Meals on Wheels volunteer, Columbus Day Committee member, to name a few.

We have found Marcotte to be one of the most dilligent, reliable, and dedicated elected officials in Westchester. She puts in the time needed to represent her constituents and we are confident that she will do the same if elected Nov. 3.

In the final days of this campaign, Marcotte was unfairly attacked by her opponent, Democrat Tara Conte, in a mailing that identified Marcotte as a radical conservative, and tried to tie Marcotte to President Trump.

Marcotte posted the following message on Facebook. “ A message to Tara Conte: This attack piece is nothing but hateful lies and completely unfounded. I am running for Town Board because I love this great town and the community that call it ‘home’. I am running on my record and will continue to do so. This mail piece is everything but “People before Politics”.

Sheila Marcotte has been elected and re-elected by the people of Eastchester and Tuckahoe several times. The demoratic hit piece, also attacks Marcotte’s supporters and voters over the years, and in our view, disqualifies Tara Conte from serving on the Eastchester Town Board.

How does Tara Conte expect to work with Eastchester Supervisor Tony Colavita and the other republicans on the Town Board after her campaign send out a mailing calling Marcotte a radical conservative?

It is interesting to note that Conte’s campaign didn’t mention Marcotte’s strong support of the Police and the Back the Blue efforts in the Town. Perhaps that is because a large segment of the Eastchester community that supports their local law enforcement.

Marcotte has not attacked her democratic opponent in the same way and we appreciate that. Personal, negative attacks have no place in local Town Board races.

We endorse Sheila Marcotte for Eastschester Town Board November 3.