To the Yorktown Heights Community

From the family of Brian Mulkeen:

We’d like to express the immense gratitude that we feel toward the kind and giving people of Yorktown Heights and its neighbors. As many of you know, Brian and his girlfriend, Sherry, chose Yorktown Heights to be their home last year, inspired by the community and opportunity to be a part of it.

We know – as they did then – that this community is truly special. Upon his loss in service to protecting others, so many of you attended his wake and funeral, paid tribute with your stories and heartfelt words, and offered additional assistance thereafter, and we cannot thank you enough for offering us solace in our time of grief.

However, your continued efforts to support our family and Sherry are a step above, exemplified most recently by the town fundraising event. We thank the many businesses in Yorktown Heights and surrounding counties for donating gift cards to raffle, for providing food and drink, and for donating your time. Similarly, we thank the many neighbors and New York City Police Benevolent Association for coming together and coming out in an impressive show of community.

We’re grateful that of all the communities in the NYC surrounding area, Brian and Sherry settled here. We know they found likeminded people that care for others – that put others’ lives ahead of their own.

Thank you for being eternally welcoming, respectful and compassionate. Our greatest hope is that this shared legacy lives on for generations to come.

The Mulkeen Family