Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano and Yonkers Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Edwin Quezada recognized Attendance Awareness Month at a recent assembly at Family School 32 by asking students to participate in the Pledge 182 campaign, in which they commit to attending school every day and on time.
“We need to remind our children that every day they attend school counts and makes them more successful students,” said Spano. “Working with our YPS administrators, teachers and parents, I know our students will continue to work hard and strive for achievement and greatness in their academic career and beyond.”
“Students’ academic, social and emotional achievement in school is predicated on their attendance,” added Quezada. “Classroom instruction is a continuous learning cycle focused on high standards, organized curriculum, quality instruction and assessment. Our outstanding administrators and teachers scaffold students’ work based on each child’s needs and strengths. Both parents and children must assume the responsibility to be present at school every day. I commend Family School 32 Principal Dr. Miriam Digneo, Assistant Principal Michael Jacobs, the faculty and staff for their work to nurture and encourage 100 percent attendance.”
Research has shown that students who miss 10 percent of the school year, 18 days or two days per month, are not as academically successful through their school years and have a more difficult time graduating. Starting as early as kindergarten, chronic absenteeism can cause a student to fall behind in school. In fact, chronic absenteeism, missing 18 days or more, can make it more difficult for children to learn to read and develop fundamental math skills.
Spano challenged the students of Family School 32, urging them to sign the pledge, and promised to return in June and host a pizza party for students who achieve perfect attendance during the 2019-20 academic school year.
The Pledge 182 campaign, named after the 182 days in the school year, asks Yonkers students to commit to attending school every day and on time.