Letter to the Editor: Mike Lawler-Go Along to Get Along

I am going to discuss why people such as Mike Lawler ‘Go Along to Get Along’.

There are some people who will do almost anything to get ahead. For a great many people their desire to get ahead, or not to lose status, is more powerful than doing what’s right. For these individuals they fear the leaders that overshadow their own status. These people have been termed “yes men”. They must not alienate their superiors for fear of losing recognition and status.

It would be too painful for a “yes man” to take an assertive stance even if they know it’s the correct and moral choice. This behavior feeds cults and it supports the leader’s ability to leverage these followers. This person’s personal behavior choice to Go Along to Get Along is a reflection of their self centeredness and lack of character.

In this letter I am specifically referring to Mike Lawler who will do anything that Trump asks of him regardless of it being helpful or harmful.

Lawler needs to impress Trump. Lawler is much more concerned with Trump’s needs than with his (Lawler’s) own constituents. If Lawler can sacrifice his ethics and principles to elicit Trump’s support to either run again for Congress, or run for Governor, then he’s all in. Perhaps Lawler’s long game is based on his life expectancy vs old man Trump. Perhaps Lawler believes he will sacrifice his soul to keep moving up the chain of command until he himself is at the top. 

People of character however maintain their own opinions, beliefs, and values. They take responsibility for their own actions and are willing to speak the truth and always care for others more than for their own selfish needs. Adults accept responsibility for the results of their decisions and they work hard to do what’s right. They don’t focus on only pleasing their superiors. They work on pleasing their (in this case) constituents. 

I do believe Lawler to be a very smart person and yet, because he must Go Along to Get Along he’s always voting for Trump’s hurtful and unAmerican Project 2025 agenda. And this constant pressure from above forces Lawler, like an addict, to lie constantly to the voters and the press. 

Lawler Public Position Lawler Action
I will never cut MedicaidVoted Yes to devastating cuts to Medicaid
I stand against antisemitismWon’t stand up to his Musk’s antisemitism
Save the White Plains Social Security OfficeNo action taken
All people are equal No to voting rights, Gender identity, etc.
Against FraudSupports firing Inspector Generals

Lawler is contributing to the destruction of our way of life and standing in the world. Lawler is contributing to the killing of starving children around the world by eliminating all foreign aid. Lawler will contribute to the death of Americans with a severe reduction in Medicaid. Lawler is depriving Americans of their freedom to vote. 

And Lawler is sacrificing legislative power to a would-be dictator and ruthless benefactor.

Dear Mr. Lawler, you are either in full support of the Trump/Musk agenda, or you are a coward for not objecting to their harmful actions. 

If you are in full support of the Trump/Musk presidency then I brand you a Fascist.

If you are a coward, get some counseling, and then get to work and stand up for American values and the American people.–

Mark Lieberman, Yorktown