2025 Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day Parade on McLean Avenue-March 22

The Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day Parade is excited to return to McLean Avenue for its 68th edition on March 22, 2025, at 1 PM. The Yonkers St. Patrick Parade on McLean Avenue is one of the largest parades in the State of New York, and certainly one of the largest celebrations of culture in Yonkers. This year, the Grand Marshal is Denis Mulcahy, who is most famous for his work with the peace process in Northern Ireland, playing a role in the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, and his non-profit Project Children. Mulcahy is a native of Co. Cork in Ireland, who moved to New York in the 1960’s and became a member of the NYPD, serving as a Detective and a member of the Elite Bomb Squad, diffusing mass explosives. He later founded Project Children, a non-profit that in the last 50 years has brought over 23,000 young Catholic and Protestant children to the US for a summer holiday respite from the everyday violence and conflict of their homeland. The program continues today as an intern program for young college students. The aides to the Grand Marshal are Michael Hanney, Kathy Kuhnel, Brendan Lynch, Lynwood L. Wallace, Mary Cahill, Karen Moynihan Doran, Matthew Gallagher, and Chad Ghastin.

The day of festivities begins with a mass at St. Barnabas High School Chapel, located at the intersection of McLean and Hyatt Avenue, starting at 11:15 AM. The parade will then begin at 1 PM, stretching on McLean Avenue from Vireo to Coyne Park. It is expected that up to 100 groups, if not more, will be participating in this year’s parade, another record to celebrate. The Yonkers Police Department will be protecting everyone on the parade route, and the bars and restaurants are expected to be filled as they have every year since the parade moved to McLean Avenue over a decade ago. Attendees are advised to park in the lower lot of Empire City – Yonkers Raceway, as free shuttle services will be provided between the Raceway and Kimball Avenue near McLean. Attendees are asked to respect the neighborhood, and park in the raceway lots and not in front of residents’ homes. Illegally parked vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. Those who cannot make the parade will be able to view the mass and the parade via livestream, provided by New Logical, on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch.

The City of Yonkers and Mayor Mike Spano kicked off the beginning of the parade celebrations and Irish American Heritage Month with the Flag Raising at City Hall on March 4th. The parade board, grand marshal, and aides celebrated the occasion with the Mayor and the City Council with a ceremony and a reception in the Mayor’s Reception Hall, with food and Irish coffee provided by Rory Dolan’s. The committee held a dinner dance at Castle Royale on Nepperhan Avenue on March 8th, celebrating the Grand Marshal and the aides. During the week leading to the parade, on Wednesday, March 18th at 10 a.m (weather permitting), the committee and the City of Yonkers will do the ceremonial line painting with Mayor Mike Spano and elected officials near the Aisling Center, at 990 McLean Avenue.

The parade is co-chaired by Deirdre O’ Mara and Ursula McIntyre. Anyone following the parade are encouraged to visit the Parade website and social media for updates, and you can find all of that on https://yonkersstpatricksdayparade.org and “Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day Parade on McLean Avenue” on Facebook.

Livestream Link for Parade

Website for information on Parade


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Link to Sign Up for Parade


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