According to a major governmental watchdog, Musk’s DODGE team has uncovered the fact that over 25 MILLION People, ages 100 to 360 are Receiving Social Security benefits. !!!
A partial listing follows:
Age:110-119:$3,627,007 total benefits paid out
“”” 120-129: $3,472,849 “ “ “ “
“” !30-139: $3,936,311 “ “ “ “
“” 150-159: $1,345,083 “ “ “ “
“”” 160-169: $121,807 “ “ “ “
Jumping further down the ladder;
Age: 240:$249 — 1 person
“” 360:369 — 1 person
Sounds ridiculous, but numbers do not lie-but some S/S administrators
and others in the S/S administration are stealing our savings BIG TIME!
Joe Pettit
Yorktown HTS, NY
Tel: 914 352 6153
Source: Truth Staff
Editor’s Note: We have been unable to verify the information in this letter.