New York State Senator Shelley B. Mayer will gather with local elected officials, community leaders, and community members for a press conference and rally to call out Con Edison and the New York Public Service Commission for unaffordable delivery rates currently faced by New Yorkers and to urge rejection of Con Ed’s next rate application for another major rate hike. The press conference will demand a change in the way rates are approved and make sure the PSC puts ratepayers first when setting rates.
Senator Mayer’s constituents contact her daily regarding their outrageous Con Edison bills, particularly regarding the delivery charges which are often double or triple the cost of the actual usage. Despite sky-high bills due to Con Ed’s last rate hike, Con Ed announced another rate hike proposal, increasing electric bills by an average of 11.4% and gas bills by 13.3% starting in 2026. If approved by the PSC, this would be more than a 26% increase over four years.
This event will be at noon on Friday at the Westchester County Center in meeting rooms A+B.
Senator Shelley B. Mayer, local elected officials, community leaders, and community members will gather on Friday, February 14 at 12 p.m. at Westchester County Center, 198 Central Ave, White Plains, NY 10606 in Meeting Rooms A+B.