Donald, Blame Yourself and Not Jews if You Lose

By Eric Wolf Schoen

As you may have guessed from my column several weeks ago, I am still up in the air as to who to vote for President. Like many of you I am not thrilled by either candidate, and feel both political parties can do better. There has to be someone out their with the spark of a Kennedy, Reagan, or Roosevelt. (By the way, anti vaccine Bobby Kennedy is no Jack Kennedy, no pun intended.)

So in my playbook, my vote is one for a candidate to lose at this point as opposed to win. And people like myself throughout the country are going to decide who the next person to occupy 1600 Pennyslyvania Avenue will be. Let me start off by reminding you that even if you don’t like the candidates the most important thing you must do is vote! People have died in our world over this precious right. Never forget that.

One thing as a columnist I like about the former President and current candidate Donald Trump is that within 15 minutes of a speech he has given you have your article. Forget about agreeing or disagreeing with him if you are on a tight deadline Trump is the candidate of your dreams. It is true that during the last presidential campaign 4 years ago newspaper subscriptions skyrocketed and more people tuned into television and radio news.

I know people who have waited hours to clear security to participate in a Trump rally not because they support him but basically it’s better than a comedy show. And the bonus is if he has a band playing that you like. At one of his events you get a a comedy show, a concert and all you need is his mother’s recipe for meatloaf, slice it for cold meatloaf Sandwiches and you don’t have to pay exorbitant prices for frankfurters, hamburgers and The works that venues charge. The night of entertainment is almost free.

Now let’s get serious. Donald made a fool of himself when last week he said that if loses in November, ‘Jewish People will have a lot to do with it.’ I have never heard a candidate for public office make such a stupid statement. To start out with, he should run his speeches by his Jewish son in law and daughter.

They would, I pray give him guidance so he doesn’t alienate an important part of the electorate.
And he made these remarks at an event denouncing antisemitism. Doesn’t he realize that Jews make up only 2% of the United STATES population, hardy enough to win an election. Many of his supporters, particularly out in the cornfields don’t know what a Jew is. Sadly in this day and age these people think that Jews are rich, rule the world, have big noses, go to the best colleges and have the biggest homes. Sad to inform them that is not the case. His remarks just stir up antisemitism and don’t stop it. He should be ashamed of himself.

He claims the Democratic Party has ‘a hold’ on the Jewish people. Where does he get his information from. Locally many Jews recently voted against a black candidate for Congress. Many Jews vote all over the political ballot. The days of party loyalty Donald are over. And the old rumor was that blacks and Jews were always a solid block. I look at so many people like myself who are fed up with both political parties. Donald, you are wrong again.

Donald says he hasn’t been treated well his whole life by Jews. Pal, if you want to act like a bully you are going to get beat up in kindergarten or high school by people who won’t put up with your crap or arrogance.

Donald’s running mate in a porno video apparently said he was a ‘black Nazi.’ How do you think Jews feel about that? He said if someone said something about Israel or Jews that people didn’t like they would be voted out of office. He lives in a time warp.Sadly a lot of politicians Make antisemitic remarks right down to the lowest level in the political spectrum

He makes these ridiculous remarks and he says Jews are disloyal to him? I’m sure many Jewish bankers financed many of his projects that made him millions. He keeps the company of a Nick Fuentes and Laura Loomer, individuals with long histories of making antisemitic comments. And Jews owe Donald loyalty? I think not.

Trump even goes to the point of proclaiming himself ‘the protector of Jews and that he is our defender.’ Either he is watching to many super hero cartoons or he needs psychiatrist help.

If he thinks he is quelling antisemitism that exists in this world by making these idiotic speeches, hate to tell you but pal, you are doing just the opposite.

Less than 50 days to Election Day. And as I always say, this election will be won by people looking at their pocketbooks and wallets. In the interim Donald please try to control yourself and stop saying the remarks that are stirring up more and more antisemitism in this country!Don’t blame Jews for your loss. You need only Look in the mirror my friend!

Reach Eric Schoen at, or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!