Letters to the Editor:

Kamila Harris speaks with “forked tongue”-

Kamala Harris-“Abuse of words has been the greatest instrument of sophistry and chicanery of party, faction, and division of society” These words were spoken many moons ago by John Quincy Adams-and mirror a recent statement by Ms. Harris who called upon top Justice Department officials to recuse themselves from any matter related to Jeffrey Epstein-she stated that their former law firm’s work on behalf of Epstein, accused of sexual abuse ,”calls into question the integrity of our legal system”-Kirkland & Ellis(Epstein’s law firm) had negotiated a deal with federal prosecutors that allowed him to avoid a long prison term.

However, here is the ultimate in (“Abuse of words”)-Harris accepted by this same law firm, (Kirkland & Ellis) a fund raiser in her honor!!

Paul A. Ryan, an attorney for the Good Government Group “Common Cause “stated,” If any connection with Kirkland & Ellis is a stain on(senior Justice Department officials), why isn’t a connection with the law firm for the receipt of campaign contributions , a stain on her own campaign”

Joe Pettit, Yorktown Heights


Dear Yonkers Times,

I’m a teacher who is angry about the lack of action on climate.I am writing to encourage you to report on the significant climate policy differences between the Biden-Harris and Trump-Pence administrations. An informed electorate is crucial for a healthy democracy, and as a leading news source, you have the power to share this essential information.

The Biden-Harris administration has promoted unprecedented federal spending and tax subsidies for clean energy through the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. It has also heavily invested in American-made clean energy, aiming to increase solar generation eightfold and triple wind generation by 2030. The administration is also working to provide affordable solar energy to nearly 1 million low-income homes.

In contrast, the Trump-Pence administration attempted to roll back nearly 100 environmental rules, including limits on greenhouse gases from power plants and cars. With a conservative supermajority in the Supreme Court, Trump would be in a stronger position to dismantle environmental and climate regulations if re-elected.

Reporting on these stark differences will help voters make informed decisions about the future of our nation’s climate policy.

Thank you for considering this important topic.
Sincerely, Jen Horowitz, New Rochelle


Op-Ed: Winning Your Westchester D.A. Race & Demonstrating Your Fitness for the Office:

TO: Would-Be Westchester County D.A. Susan Cacace (D)
Would Be Westchester County D.A. John Sarcone (R)

I am director and co-founder of the non-partisan, non-profit citizens’ organization Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA), which, for several decades, has documented the collusion of all three branches of our state government in the subversion and collapse of lawful, constitutional governance. New York’s 62 D.A.s, whose duty it is to enforce the state’s penal laws, including against law-breaking public officers, are key participants in this.

Only five of this year’s 14 D.A. races are contested, the Westchester D.A. race among them. Last week, I sent Westchester D.A. Mimi Rocah – and all 61 of New York’s other D.A.s and acting D.A.s – the above three attachments by the below July 18th e-mail entitled “NOTICE & grand jury/public corruption complaint – Your D.A. salary increases, the judicial salary increases on which they are based, & the violations of NY penal laws by state legislators within your jurisdictions”, requesting their answers, by August 1st, to two simple questions:

Whether they will be repudiating their state-mandated D.A. salary increases, paid from their county budgets, because they are based on three “false instrument”, penal law-violating commission reports raising judicial salaries;

Confirmation that they will be recusing themselves from CJA’s July 18, 2024 grand jury/public corruption complaint pertaining thereto and securing an independent prosecutor.

What would your answers be, if elected? Please let me hear from you so that, based on your answers, Westchester county voters can be apprised as to whether a write-in campaign must be launched for suitable D.A. candidates who will abide by their duty of enforcing New York’s penal laws, without fear or favor, including by recusing themselves when compromised by self-interest and relationships.

I am available to answer questions, including as to the particulars of my communications with D.A. Rocah and predecessors D.A. Anthony Scarpino, Acting D.A. James McCarty, and D.A. Janet DiFiore.

Elena Sassower, Director Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)