Congressman Lawler’s Office Vandalized for Support of Israel

On Dec. 27, the office of Congressman Mike Lawler was defaced with messages condemning him for his support of Israel after the attacks by Hamas. The messages, pictured above, include pictures of blood and messages that Lawler has blood on your hands, and “Child Murderer Lawler.”

“The front entrance of our district office building was defaced with messages attacking me for my support for Israel. I will not be intimidated & I will not waver from supporting our greatest ally as they fight to stop Hamas’ terror once & for all & rescue their people,” said Rep. Lawler.

“The vandalism of one of our offices is just the latest escalation in the tactics being used by those who sympathize more with Hamas than with Israel. As I’ve said repeatedly, I want the Palestinian people to be free from their true oppressors – Hamas, a terrorist organization that has been the governing body in Gaza for nearly two decades and has used the Palestinian people as human shields. That many of these folks are not bothered by that is startling.”