Spreading the Miracle of Chanukah in Yonkers

Rabbi Mendy Hurwitz and his children with Veronica Bautista and her husband and children, showing the Chanukah dreidl games they made at the Home Depot in Yonkers Photo (c) Robert Kalfus

By Robert Kalfus

The first night of Chanukah, the Festival of Light, starts this Thursday evening after dark December 7 when the first candle is lit, with each night adding yet another candle, continuing for 8 days, when all of the eight candles will be lit on Thursday night, December 14th spreading and illuminating light.

Preparing for Chanukah, this past Sunday December 2nd the Home Depot in Yonkers hosted a pre-Chanukah event with Chabad of Yonkers’ Rabbi Mendy Hurwitz. More than 200 children, some with their parents’ help, created, assembled, glued, and painted their own Chanukah dreidl games! to take home.

Chanukah recalls the miracles of a small outnumbered band of Jewish partisan fighters who fought for 25 years, refusing to accept defeat from the overwhelmingly better armed, more numerous and better trained Syrian-Greek forces, sent to crush their culture, religion, and entire way of life. The Maccabees liberated the oppressed Jewish nation, bestowing independence, and were inspired by the miracle of the single cruze of undefiled oil they found in the Temple in Jerusalem, sufficient for only one day of kindling the lights in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, yet lasting for eight days, the length of time necessary until new pure olive oil could be pressed. 

 Rabbi Mendy Hurwitz of Chabad of Yonkers/Greystone Jewish Center welcomes all to enjoy and witness “spreading the light,” to see the first candle of Chanukah lit at 4:30 pm Thursday December 7th at Ridge Hill, 1 Ridge Hill Blvd., near Lego Land featuring live music by DJ David Ross, crafts, for children, hot latkes (Israeli style potato pancakes fried in oil), sufganiot (donuts) and a gelt drop!, all free.        

Rabbi Hurwitz noted “Judaism is a religion not to be practiced just in the synagogue. Judaism is a way of life, a religion which informs all your actions wherever you are,” and Chanukah’s celebration, inspiration, food, and joy is shared.

Chanukah’s fourth night (Dec. 10) features a terrific Chanukah luncheon 2 to 4 pm at the Greystone synagogue, featuring a hot buffet luncheon, more latkes, music, dancing, dreidls, children’s crafts, and chocolate gelt. Please RSVP calling (914) 963-8888 or by email at Rabb@JewishYonkers.com.

Following the luncheon, many people are welcome to leave the synagogue to see a majestic sight, a giant chanukiah lighting at 4:15 pm with a majestic view of the Hudson River in Untermyer Park at the Temple of Love area.

Monday, December 11th will see a Menorah lighting at 6 pm at Yonkers’ Cross County Shopping Center, featuring live music, dancing, more sufganiot (with a variety of fillings), latkes, dreidls, and chocolate gelt.

Tuesday December 12th will see multiple events, starting with a 4:30 pm menorah lighting at Boyce Thompson Center, 1086 North Broadway, Yonkers, followed by mounting a menorah on each car’s roof. Yonkers police cars will escort those celebrating, bringing the light and joy of Chanukah to all corners of Yonkers, ending the parade with refreshments and pizza at Nahmias et Fils, Yonkers unique micro-distillery which produces Legs Diamond bourbon whiskey, rye whiskey, and the special Mahia, a traditional Moroccan spirit distilled from figs.

Wednesday December 13th features a menorah lighting at the office of Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano at 4:30 pm, 40 South Broadway. Join Mayor Spano as he celebrates Chanukah with a special Chanukah lighting and chanukah treats.