We Endorse: County Legislator James Nolan for Reelection -15th District

County Legislator James Nolan recently announced that his reelection has been endorsed by 23 unions and labor boards. Nolan said he believes “in advocating for fair labor practices and maintaining an active and productive relationship with union leadership to guarantee benefits and wages for hardworking men and women.”

Nolan, a republican, is being challenged by former County Legislator Ruth Walter, a democrat.
Nolan beat Walter two years ago, and the rematch is one of the hottest county board races in Westchester County.

Usually, union support for elected officials goes to the democratic candidates, so Nolan’s large amount of endorsements is significant.

Four of the unions have switched their endorsements, from Walter two years ago, to Nolan this year. They are: New York State Nurses Association, 32BJ, Local 21 Plumbers & Steamfitters, and the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters.

We still believe that the rank-and-file Union members of Westchester County have the best interests of all the people at heart, and that their support and endorsement mean something.

Walter has been critical of Nolan and the fact that he holds two jobs, one as a Yonkers DPW worker and one as a county legislator. On more than one occasion, Walter has accused Nolan of double dipping, or taking two salaries from the taxpayers.

We do not agree, and perhaps all of the unions who supported Nolan do not agree with Walter’s criticism. Nolan’s work in the DPW is a real job, and he earns his pay every day on a DPW truck. We believe that this experience is a benefit to the voters in the district.

In his two years on the BOL, Nolan voted against the Clinic Access Bill, which Walter has also highlighted. But in explaining his vote, Nolan said that he believes the law was unconstitutional and urged his colleagues not to support it. It appears that Nolan was correct; the Westchester law may be headed to the US Supreme Court and the BOL has already amended it.

We also do not agree with Walter’s characterization of Nolan as MAGA. Yes, Nolan is a republican, but he is the only republican on the county board, and only one of two who are not democrats. It is important, in our view, to have opposing voices and views heard in our county government.

Nolan was elected two years ago by the same electorate who knew what he was and what he stood for. Nothing has changed over the past two years, in our view, to warrant a change or his removal.

We admire Walter’s knowledge of the issues of the day, but the voters in the district appreciate Nolan’s willingness to be active and present in the community. Yes, James Nolan is a different type of politician but that’s OK, and maybe it’s a breath of fresh air.

We endorse James Nolan for County Board 15th District, East Yonkers and Bronxville.