New Year, Same Problems

And so, we have entered the Jewish New Year 5784 with the same problems and questions we entered 5783. Why did Rosh Hashanah fall so early this year? Our Rabbis tell us Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur fall as they are supposed to fall.

Online threats were made to Westchester synagogues but it seems these threats are made to synagogues every year. Our County Executive has his yearly press conference either before the threats are made alerting the public to the fact that extra police presence will be put in place for the Jewish holidays or after the threats are made stating the County takes the threats seriously and will beef up security around all Jewish houses of worship and religious institutions.

It’s a sort of broken record when this same information is passed on year after year To the community Which takes it very seriously. The day we don’t take it seriously god forbid will be the day something serious happens. All of our synagogues and their staff go through security training every year, and the cost of private security goes up and up every year. It’s like car insurance. You hope you don’t need it but it’s there in case we do.

Again this year the President is in town during holiday week to address the United Nations. His entourage is massive consisting of motorcycles, SUV’s, the Presidential cars with those beefed up, heavy doors for security a Secret Service Agent is the only person who can open and close them. Do we really need such heavy doors on the Presidential vehicles barely allowing us to open them? And so many vehicles to accompany the President. Someone will make a determination one day that this security is not needed and we don’t need a city of vehicles to protect the President. These vehicles stop traffic all over New York City and cause massive traffic jams between the downtown area and our regional airports. God forbid your car gets stuck in one of these frozen zones it can be hours before you can get moving again.

Not one day goes by after the opening of schools that we don’t have a situation with cars illegally passing school buses. The Journal News found this on the first day of school, cars causing danger for our school children. Simply remember WESTCHESTER is not New York City. In New York if the side signs to stop are out on the bus, you precede with caution after making a full stop at the stop signs projecting from the bus. In WESTCHESTER the signs can be out but you don’t proceed until after all the pedestrians crossing have taken place and the signs are resting against the side of the bus.

The annual New York State Thruway toll calculation is another yearly event particularly given the construction of the new Tappan ZEE bridge and its massive costs. Tolls really haven’t gone up too higH on the Tappan Zee, but you and I are going to have to pay the bill somehow. Congestion pricing strikes it’s yearly bell, but this year the Legislature has come up with a price schedule for vehicles that go south of 60th street in Manhattan that nobody likes. It’s bad enough Covid has hurt traffic in Manhattan, the new Congestion pricing system will truly kill motorists ability to get around town.

New controversies to be added this year include use of an old Dorm at Manhattan College in the Bronx to house those who have crossed the border mostly illegally and the serious crime problem in New York. Crimes closes even the Dollar Tree stores caused by the bail reform laws in New York and reduced charges for shoplifting.

So the Jewish New Year 5784 is filled with the same problems and issues as we had during the year 5783. Nevertheless, for those celebrating the Jewish New Year let me wish you and your family a year filled with good health and happiness in a world of Shalom, Peace!


It’s sad that Senators don’t have to wear a suit, tie, or sports jackets and pants due to legislation that came out of the United States Senate. It all started when Senator John Fetterman took ill and he showed up wearing a hoodie. It’s sad that our prestigious Senate has sunk so low that it’s members can show up in any clothing and not take pride in their service to this country.

There is legislation the Governor is going to sign that requires all New York City school staff to know how to properly use an epipen. Governor Hochul is expanding the scope of the legislation to include school staff throughout the state in the proper use of the epipen.

First it was the writers and the actors in Hollywood who went on strike. The job action continues as we approach the start of the new season of television shows and movies. We are at the point where every new show is a game show. And some of them are horrific. Hollywood needs to get its act together and settle this strike.

Now the Auto Workers unions are on strike. We know how difficult it was to get a vehicle during the pandemic. The strike by the Auto Workers will sadly bring a repeat of this. Our elected and appointed officials must enter the picture and bring our Auto Workers back to the negotiating table. It is a severe problem when you can’t go to the showroom and get the car you want as they are not being built.

Reach Eric Schoen at, follow him on Twitter (X) @ericyonkers or friend him on Facebook Eric Schoen…just look for him in the picture with Joan Rivers!