“Barbie” – A Movie that Already Became a Phenomenon: How is This Happening in Entertainment Industry?

The entertainment industry has been growing as never before, amid the popularity of online streaming services. At first glance, it’s not easily possible to impress the audience because they have seen so much that bringing a new concept is quite challenging. However, if achieving a new idea can be so much tricky, why wouldn’t some producers bring old ideas and package them in a beautiful and shiny box? This is how the movie called “Barbie” was created and became a phenomenon.

The environment where this all is happening is pretty much intriguing, if we put this in the context of actors’ strikes, that demand more attention and salary raise for writers. As a result of the efforts of many famous actors, there is even a challenge to stop Netflix subscriptions as a way of protest. Hollywood is currently blamed for unfair contracts and circumstances. Despite these controversial arguments, “Barbie” not only became one of the most discussed movies but also, as it seems, redirected people’s attention from strikes to what smart producers and actors can create in difficult times.

What are the main factors that made this movie so popular? Surprisingly, it’s not all about the movie itself but lots of other influences that take place in our days.

How does technology influence

Technology is present in almost every aspect of our lives, and the entertainment industry is one of those fields that has a close interconnection with technology. We already witnessed how one of its subcategories – the gaming industry, revolutionized after the invention of cryptocurrencies. This is an example that showcases how technology can leave a huge impact on any field, as it did with the gaming industry, booming the BTC Poker online games.

In the case of TV shows and movies, this huge driving force is social media. It has a unique nature, that gives complete power to the users only, and their conversations, posts, and opinions can make a movie successful or they can make it a failure.

After the release of “Barbie”, social media platforms were full of tweets and stories, celebrating the remarkable comeback of the legendary character – Barbie. Thousands of memes covered social media newsfeeds, making the movie the number 1 topic of discussion among movie lovers and critics. The nature of social media made “Barbie” this much discussed, criticized, and already loved. But this is not the only reason behind its popularity.

Did we miss Barbie?

It will be logical and fair to say that we did miss Barbie, or at least, most of the people who currently are excited about the premiere movie. In general, Barbies were pretty much controversial toys. You might remember different discussions decades ago about the appearance and the concept of the toy: Was it the ideal image of a woman, should baby girls play with them and accept them as a role model, doesn’t it provoke a long row of -isms?

With all of these discussions in place, Barbie just stayed on the shelves, being one of the most sold toys of all time. Only now, more than 50 decades later, movie makers show that Barbie was not just a character, it was not just a well-thought image, but it’s a pretty woman that lives among us, with the example of Margot Robbie, who portrays the character in the movie. Moreover, it explains one thing – whatever your thoughts about Barbie are, it’s what have created decades ago, it’s what entered millions of houses and it’s a small part of our past.

The fact that many of us grew up having the Barbie toys in our memories, encountering it years later, but this time as a live character, refreshes our connection and creates nostalgia, especially because modern Barbie is just as pretty as the toy back then.

What Do People Say?

Any kind of TV production has a direct and effective way to become a phenomenon, and it’s the ability to make people talk about those shows or movies. Once the internet is talking about the movie, half of the success is almost achieved thanks to popularity. And it’s a secondary question whether people talk good or nasty things since a bad PR is a PR too.

Different online platforms that are particularly about movies, such as IMDb, have gained tens of thousands of reviews about the movie. On IMDb, in particular, its rating is 7.7 out of 10. The opinions are sometimes polarized, but viewers are convinced of one thing: “Barbie” is a colorful and kind movie. In our times, when the newsfeed is full of breaking news, a movie like this could be appreciated.

The majority of reviews contain positive opinions about Margot Robbie’s acting, labeling it as a successful portrayal of the famous character. It’s interesting to follow whether we will see other similar movies in the future about old but gold toy characters.