What Idiot Would Destroy a Park?

By Eric Wolf Schoen 

The city of Yonkers has been investing a lot of  money in beautifying the many wonderful parks  in town over the last few years. Redmond, Cook Field, what ever you want to call it has been undergoing major renovations this summer. 

So what happens on Memorial Day weekend? Trespassers tore up the field on all terrain vehicles and dirt bikes and all these other electronic vehicles that are popular now. Tearing up extensive and expensive work to destroy a park we all enjoy.

What possesses people to do something crazy like this destroying a park. City funds are hard to come by in the first place. To have crews work on the site only to have it dug up and have their work done over is a waste of time and money. 

If you know of a person or persons responsible , please call the Police Department at 914-377-7900. We should make those that did the damage pay for it. But again I ask you what possesses someone to do damage like what occurred destroying a park in the middle of summer? Do people have no respect for anything ? A simple park everyone can enjoy?  Does the minority of people feel they have the right to destroy the park that the majority of people enjoy safely and without destruction? Who are the idiots involved. What do you think? Now unto other business of the day!

Recycling Machine tells you how to Recycle Paper, Plastics and other materials 

Recycling numbers of paper, plastics and other recyclables leave a lot to be desired. There are numerous problems. People don’t know what bin to put their recyclable item in. They don’t know what is recyclable and what is not.   People don’t know if they can recycle items that have food waste on them like a paper plate with grease on it. And no where are the rules spelled out.

So now a company is coming out with a machine that you put the item you hope to recycle in and it will tell you whether it is recyclable or not and what bin to put it in. My guess is the machine is not cheap, but if over time it recycles a lot of what would normally go to landfills it probably will pay for itself. 

Most recyclable items are marked but how often do we look at the items to see where it should be put in the recycling bins as we hurry to finish our meals. 

The Race for President in 2024

Let me start out by saying I hope there are no debates or that the candidates decide not to participate. Debates if any should be without a studio audience which takes away from the whole debate. People come in supporting a candidate and the occasion turns into a shouting, clapping match. And the candidate with the loudest mouth and supporters wins. 

We have to come up with a better system for debates in this country. Shouting matches accomplish nothing. And What do you expect with Donald Trump and Chris Christie in a debate? 

I frankly can’t believe that Christie has the nerve to run.  He left as Governor of New Jersey with the lowest polling numbers of any governor in the state. Bridgegate, or ‘Time.for Some Traffic Problems in Fort Lee’ was his recipe. I know several people who got stuck for hours even though Christie claimed he did not know about the traffic mess. People went to jail because of it and many people think Christie was the mastermind behind the whole scheme.

Christie’s ‘hanging out’ literally and figuratively at the beach in his private residence while beaches and parks were closed to the public due to budget woes on a holiday weekend was a rather stupid move.

With all due respect to Trump and Christie,  Americans like a Presidential candidate who is in good physical shape. Same applies to Biden. That’s why I think there will be another candidate who will jump in the race and win. People are so tired of the same candidates running over and over again Democrats and Republicans want change. It is going to be An interesting election year in 2024!

How Migrants Show Up at a Hotel

I was listening to County Executive George Latimer on WABC Radio over the weekend discussing the migrant crisis. Of all the public officials to comment on what is going on he and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano have been the most realistic with the public. 

Government has no role to play when it comes to housing migrants in your local hotels. County Executives and elected officials can go to court to fight placement of migrants, but hotel owners have every right to place migrants in their hotels without any intervention. It’s like if you or I want a hotel we call the hotel and make a reservation. If a room is available we get it. If not we don’t. 

So the next time you hear some big mouth politician say he is going to stop migrants from coming into his county or community, ask him or her what power they have to do this. Other than talking to the hotel owner or chain officials if the hotel is part of a chain, there really is not much your elected officials or you can do to stop the migrants from coming into town. 

Briefs: A vending machine that features emergency equipment like naloxone available for sale to stop drug overdoses? A grandfather selling marijuana for the government to boost his pension. A pizza graffiti artist decorating pizzerias in Yonkers and Westchester secretly in the middle of the night. And the pizzeria owners are not complaining. Doors on New York Subway platforms that prevent patrons from getting pushed on the tracks. Now that’s long overdue! 

Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge. Reach him at thistooisyonkers@aol.com.