Spring Training Baseball Begins?

By Eric Wolf Schoen

Spring Training Baseball Begins?
Time moves fast. Not a drop of snow (or neither a quarter inch) has hit the ground. Global warming? Climate change? For us warm weather lovers, it’s a dream come true. If you never saw another snowflake would you be happy or sad?

Don Lemon
I was listening to a colleague who worked with CNN’S Don Lemon in his days in Philadelphia and said he was a wise guy back then like he is today. His age remark regarding women isn’t the first stupid remark he has made since joining CNN. His attitude atrocious. I think it’s time for him to hang up his hat and call it a day at CNN. There is plenty of talent out there to take his place. They got rid of Chris Cuomo and no one misses him.

The CWTZ or WCTZ or What?
Speaking of Cuomo, here we go again! The Republican powers that be want in Albany joined by a Democrat want to take Mario Cuomo’s name off the bridge that crosses the Hudson from Rockland to Tarrytown. I have a solution. Why not call it the Cuomo-Wilson Tappan Zee (CWTZ) or Wilson-Cuomo Tappan Zee (WCTZ). Let’s remember that it was Mario Cuomo that suggested the change in name to the Malcolm Wilson Bridge and yes, Malcolm Wilson is from Yonkers. I don’t know why the legislators from Yonkers are silent on keeping Malcom Wilson’s name on the bridge. Do they think people forgot him. Robert Moses built a great many things around New York, very few people know who he is but his name is on a park in Long Island and stamp is on many projects throughout New York.

The Race for Mayor Begins
Every day a new candidate enters the race for Mayor of Yonkers and there will certainly be primaries all over the place. Mayor Mike Spano has been quiet and I always worry about quiet politicians. Glad to see so many woman entering the race. It’s been a long time since we had a Mayor or for that matter Vice Mayor who was a woman running Yonkers.

George ‘Liar’ Santos
I can’t believe that George Santos is still working in the halls of Congress. His latest comment: ‘If you are going to make up a lie are you thinking at all? I didn’t realize that he ran in 2020 and lost. In all those years no one checked this phony out? This guy should have been investigated the minute he announced he was running. And Long Island and Queens have some particularly savvy people who play in the political circus.

Santos would not sit down for an interview with Don Lemon. Why? To quote him, ‘We are not going to sit down with someone who speaks so Ill of woman.’ Santos has real ‘you know what’ for making that statement.

Families who lost relatives in the Holocaust or at the World Trade Center are fed up like we all are with this guy and his stupid ‘Jew-ish ‘ remark. Why are the Jewish organizations not calling him out on this?

Alec Baldwin Saga
Who would think that a movie set would need an armorer? Are you telling me that real loaded guns with real bullets that can kill someone are used on movie sets? Why? It’s like the punches given to a character in a movie are real. You know they are not.

Be honest, before Mr Baldwin shot his gun had you ever heard of an armorer. I saw the movie Marlowe (good movie) over the weekend and all the locations they shot at had armorers. Does one get certified as an armorer? What do you have to know? That there are no live bullets in a gun? Why should there be? That is the question!

It was announced by the prosecutors and judge this week that if Baldwin gets convicted he will get les time than originally announced. The question you and want to know is why was there a live bullet in a prop gun?

NYC Selling Covid Equipment
As the pandemic didn’t get as bad as they thought and they have all his equipment left over, New York City has put the excess equipment on the market. This includes metal pieces that they were going to use if there were not enough respirators. The equipment is being sold at half the price the city bought it for.
If I was in charge here I would wait a little bit longer to make sure the pandemic is realistically over before I would start selling equipment.

Jimmy Carter
I had the good fortune to be present when peanut farmer Jimmy Carter came to New York to accept the nomination for President. I had the better fortune to welcome him as he came off the plane, Shake his hand and boarded a limousine that would take him to his hotel before the nominating convention started.

He and his wife had those country style smiles you never forget. His handshake was one of those you never forget, not too hard, not too soft. My friend Bob Stauf was with a group of us lucky to get in and welcome the Carters to New York. With security these days we would never be able to get on the field next to a plane yet alone able to reach the future president’s hand to shake it!

Jimmy Carter was no supporter of the Israel or Jewish people. That aside this 98 year old man did a lot after he left the presidency. He built many homes for homeless vets and people, he taught Bible School school drawing some 500 Sunday morning for his lessons, and when called on by the Government to do something in support of our country he always replied in the affirmative.

Carter and his wife Rosalind are married 75 years. Always holding hands and smiling when out in public. A marriage made in heaven. President Carter now is home with hospice care. May his final days be comfortable and let’s remember him for all the positive thing he has done for our country.

In closing, watch for the alligators in Prospect Park Zoo in Brooklyn!

Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, go to WVOX.com and click the arrow to listen to the live stream or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.