When America’s Two Great Generals Didn’t Agree: MacArthur Did Not Support Ike for Prez in 1952


Some of you may know about the rivalry between two, great U.S. Generals; Dwight Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur. Eisenhower served as an aide to MacArthur before his military career took off in World War II. But you may not know about how the two faced off in American politics after the war.

The video link above from British Pathe shows the 1952 repubilcan convention in Chicago, where Eisenhower sought the GOP nomination for President. His opponent was Ohio Senator Robert Taft, son of the former President William Taft.

During the video, General MacArthur comes out to support Taft, and not Eisenhower for President. MacArthur had a failed Presidential run in 1948.

Taft died one year later in 1953, and Ike went on to become our 34th President. General MacArthur, at the height of his power and popularity after serving as American Forces General in Korea, faded away after this speech.

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