Whoever organized the so-called “Urgent” Rally at Yonkers City Hall should be ashamed of themselves, because only one “protestor” showed up. When more members of the media show up for an event than actual participants, its a bust.
More important, the reason for the rally, to protest the idea of submitting an amendment to the City Charter to repeal the term limits law, actually resulted in the exact opposite happening-that the idea of Mayor Mike Spano running for a fourth term has no real opposition.
Mayor Spano has yet to make up his mind on whether he wants to run for a fourth term if it was allowed. But in interviews, he has said that he wants a sign from the people of Yonkers to move forward and run for a fourth term, before he moves forward.
The lack of interest at the Rally on September 13 that had more crickets in attendance than people could give the Mayor that signal to move forward with plans for a fourth term.
“Are you telling me that you can’t get 20 people to attend your rally in a City of 200,000? And the weather was great that night, so what’s the excuse,” asked one Yonkers democrat.
Ru Ros of Yonkers Voice, attended, and afterwards joked calling it the Rally of the Century. Ru counted five people in attendance, but we saw only one older man with a sign. Perhaps the other four came running once they realized that nobody showed up.
And of course the person or persons who organized this rally are nowhere to be found. But if hundreds had shown up, do you think we would know who they are? “Some claim that there was no organizer for the event, but that’s not true. Someone set this up and it failed miserably. They were afraid to put their names on it before and no way they take credit for it now that it backfired,” posted another Yonkers dem on social media.
One former elected official thought that maybe supporters of changing term limits to allow Spano a fourth term organized the event in the hopes that it would fail like it did. “I now wonder if the purpose was to leave it as vague as possible, have little to no turnout as a result of non-sponsorship, to have the appearance that everyone is fine with the status quo,” was the comment.
We disagree because that would have left open the possibility that hundreds could have attended. Most of us thought that a big crowd was coming, and that there was opposition to making another change to the term limits law.
“I don’t support or endorse any candidates but I think that the fact that NO ONE showed up yesterday in speaks LOUDER. Maybe Yonkers Residents are happy with the current Leadership and would like to the Mayor to run for another term,” posted one Yonkers democrat.