Backpack & Computer Giveaways Help Yonkers Students Go Back to School with Supplies They Need

On September 5, the Loyalty Foundation joined with Pamelas Big Heart Foundation in Yonkers to distribute 100 free refurbished Chromebook laptops to young students in need during Pamelas Back to School Bazaar at Yonkers Arts “It was great to see all the smiles and to know that all these children will have their very own computers to kick of the school year on the right foot.” – Loyalty Foundation founder David Neeman. The joint distribution was our third and brings the total number of computers provided to Yonkers youth to 250 laptops and 10 tablets. Each of the 100 computers being donated was previously reserved by a student. A sign-up sheet for K-12 students in need of a computer was provided at the event for our next laptop distribution. Help us help more kids by making a financial or used tech donation to the Loyalty Foundation at, and for more information on Pamela’s Big Heart Foundation, visit
On August 31, the family of Jonathan Maldonado, above, held their 5th annual back to school drive at School 23. “Thank you to the Superintendent Dr. Edwin Quezada for allowing us to continue to remember Jonathan Maldonado. I commend you for your commitment to give back to the students in our Yonkers community. Thank you to all my family and friends for supporting this event especially our sponsors Ecolab, Staples and MPAC,” said Nancy Khader-Maldonado, mother of Jonathan, who died at the age of 21 in 2017 in Greenburgh, under circumstances which are still under review in the courts. County Legisaltor Jose Alvarado and Superintendent Quezada are pictured with members of the family and students.