Gun Free Signs? Are You Kidding?

By Eric Wolf Schoen

And there they were, New York Governor Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams unveiling the Gun Free Signs in New York City’s Time Square. The crossroads of the world. And do you think for a minute that the signs are going to stop people from bringing guns into Times Square. Or any place they are going to be posted?

If you do I have a big, beautiful bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Real cheap. What is wrong with our elected officials. And you can expect to see these signs at locations throughout New York State. What a joke. The signs are not worth the board they are printed on. Do you really think a gun toting criminal is going to see a sign and say hey, I better not go in that area?

We have school zones, no bus idling zones, no parking and no standing zones and many different types of zones. Do they do anything to keep us safe? Do People really follow the rules. With or without signs the public will do what they want and so many of the signs are worn out you can’t even read what they say.

Are they going to have lockers where people check their illegal guns before they enter the. Zones. Or check points for people coming into the zones. Impossible to do in such a large open space like Times Square so what is the purpose of the zones? A waste of taxpayer money. And a big laugh for the public.

What’s next? Pickle free zones. Rock throwing zones. Yarn free or rope free zones? Punching zones, argument free zones, zones where you must respect other people, no ice cream zones. And the Gun Free Zones will be at strategic locations throughout the state including right in your neighborhood.

When are our elected officials going to wake up and get real. I hope soon!

Congestion Pricing a No No

Over the last week over a thousand people spoke at virtual hearings across the state on congestion pricing in New York City south of 60th Street. This game would charge cars and trucks that go south of 60th Street a fee from $6 to $26. The fee is to encourage use of mass transit. Make the subways safe and people will ride them.

The fee is also to provide money to fix the mass transit system. Where does all the taxation we pay now go. They call the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Agency (MTA) the Money Taking Agency. As the Lyft and Uber drivers pointed out, where does the $50 million they generate now for the MTA go now.

Before this money grab becomes reality, it’s time to let your Senators and Assemblypersons know you don’t like it. Call Senator Stewart-Cousins, 423-4031; Senator Mayer at 934-5250 Assemblyman Sayegh at 779-8805 and Assemblyman Pretlow at 667-0127 to make your voice heard WESTCHESTER!

Shooting by St. Patrick’s. Cathedral in NYC

The first issue I have is people playing 3 car monte in front of New York’s ‘s St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It is disgraceful playing cards in front of this New York home to Catholics visited by people of all faiths including this Jewish writer every year. The police should remove and arrest them not just because they are running an illegal card game but because their activity is taking place at a sacred location. Why not a 3 cart monte sign like the signs prohibiting guns

Someone got shot outside of the Cathedral. Issue 2. While they were engaged in an illegal card game.
It’s truly sad that so many people fall for this card game scam where the dealer is always the winner.

The Smell of Marijuana

I’ve never been a big fan of Marijuana. Like Bill Clinton I have smoked but not inhaled this substance. Frankly the smell of it makes me sick. Whether it be Yonkers or White Plains the smell of marijuana on the streets is nauseating. We restrict where people can smoke why not the same for marijuana users.
And just like they handed out booklets telling you the dangers of smoking, they should do the same extolling the dangers of marijuana smoking. Smoke weed in your house, not on a public street I walk on.

Why does Hillary Wear Pantsuits

We finally learned via 60 minutes why Hillary Clinton wears pantsuits. She was wearing a skirt or dress, sat down for photographs and the photographer took picture of her undergarments which were visible. The next day they were being used to sell undergarments, so she Made a decision she should would wear pantsuits so it wouldn’t happen again. She didn’t get into the unusual colors of pantsuits she wears.


We are fortunate in Westchester to have beautifully manicured county gold courses for residents to use. There is even a special rate of $3 for those under 17 to play after 2. The county makes it easy to sign up for tee times and all of the golf course staff go out the their way to help county residents.

So why did I hear from a friend that he went by the bushes to retrieve a ball and saw piles of empty beer cans. I’m not blaming the younger people who use the golf course but people need to stop being pigs.

Not all counties have the great courses Westchesterites have, the county takes good care of them and the people who use them should too!

QUESTIONS OF THE DAY: Will the City Council put the vote to end term limits on the ballot for the voters, or will the Council change the Charter themselves like a bunch of sneaky public officials?

Is Robert Cacace or his brother, Kevin in the race to replace Mayor Mike Spano who is term limited (unless they change the charter) in the race for Mayor in 2023? Hey they both come from a good Democratic family!

Reach Eric Schoen at Follow him on Twitter @ericyonkers. Listen to Eric Schoen on the Westchester Rising Radio Show alternating Thursday’s from 10-11 a.m. On WVOX 1460 AM, click listen or download the WVOX app from the App Store free of charge.