Yonkers Rising, Yonkerstimes.com Recognized with Integrity in Journalism Award

Honorees included, L-R-Teamsters 456 President Lou Picani, former Councilman and County Legislator Gordon Burrows, Yonkers Rising columnist Eric Schoen, former Yonkers GOP Chair Justin Tubiolo
L-R-Eric Schoen, Teresa Bellino, Yonkers GOP Chair John Larkin

Special thanks to the Yonkers GOP, for recognizing Yonkers Rising newspaper and Yonkerstimes.com with their Integrity in Journalism Award. Yonkers Rising columnist Eric Schoen accepted the award for the newspaper and website at the Independence Day celebration held this summer.

It is also good to see Yonkers GOP Chairman John Larkin. Best wishes to the former City Councilman for 8 years, and one republican who could win a citywide election tomorrow!