Westchester County Employees Donate Supplies to Bronx Families Impacted by Fire

Donation Drive Took Place at County Office Building, Social Services District Offices and Public Safety

                Westchester County employees came together after learning of the devastating fire in the Bronx on January 9, claiming the lives of 17 people, including 8 children. Donation boxes were set up at the Michaelian Office Building, district offices of the Department of Social Services and Department of Public Safety Headquarters. The weeklong drive that took place from January 14-21, garnered more than 800 pounds of donations including diapers, blankets, pillows, clothes, toiletries and non-perishable food.

 VIDEO IS AVAILABLE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4JrS6xDP_Q

                Westchester County Executive George Latimer said: “I am proud our employees saw the need and stepped up to give back to our neighbors in the Bronx. Some even rallied their churches and schools to obtain these necessities. Westchester has always had strong ties with the Bronx and this showing of service is the epitome of community going beyond borders. Our hearts remain with the survivors and families left behind in this tragedy and we hope these donations can help them start over, rebuild and heal.”

                The donations were delivered by employees with the Department of Public Works and Transportation to PS-85 Great Expectation School, where many of the children impacted by this fire, attended.

                Third grade teacher Lindsay Moss, a Westchester County resident, said: “It’s heartbreaking what these families are going through and we want them to know we are here for them. These donations, from water to the blankets, pet food, clothes and toys will really help lift their spirts. We want them to know we care about them and we are here for them. This is not a short term effort, we are going to support them for a long time.”