The biggest County Board race in Westchester is in the 15th District (Bronxville and East Yonkers) between democrat Legislator Ruth Walter and her republican opponent James Nolan. This contest will be determined by turnout, and which side gets their voters to vote.
James Nolan has run a spirited campaign. We applaud Nolan for his volunteerism in the community during COVID, and his work to help those who needed it, and for his ability to turn a horrible event for his family, the shooting death of his brother, into a positive by creating a foundation in his name that also serves the community.
But that is not enough to warrant election to the county board. Ruth Walter is a thoughtful, hard working legislator, who has suggested new ideas while working to make sure that constituents in her district get their fair share of county budget dollars.
Walter has also shown herself to be willing to listen to all people in her district, including those who live in Yonkers, and she did not forget them during the pandemic.
We believe that Walter has done more in two years than her predecessor over several years. One initiative we appreciate is her work to examine whether communities unhappy with the loud cars at night, from illegal mufflers or drag racing, should be helped by ticketing more drivers by placing noise-devices on hot spot roadways.
Most of these issues, like making sure that county capital tax dollars go into her district, are not sexy political topics, but they are the nuts and bolts that help improve people’s lives.
There are some things that County government can’t do because it is not under their power of government. Nolan has suggested that he will work on some issues county government can’t help with.
But the biggest issue in this race has become, the issue that has plauged our county and our country for the past year and a half-COVID and vaccinations.
Nolan has said that he is not vaccinated, but has not explained adequately enough why that is. He said he had COVID and beat COVID, but many county residents who had COVID have also been vaccinated.
Over 90% of eligible Westchester residents have received a COVID vaccine, and as Walter points out, it is the role of a leader in our communities to explain that all of us need to get vaccinated in order for our society to return to some form of normal, and to protect those of us who are immue compromised.
We endorse Ruth Walter, for County Legislator, 15th District.