Remembering Jackie Mason

By Ann Muro        

     I was always an avid fan of Jackie Mason, who was one of my favorite comedians.  However, it actually was my sister Rene who was a friend of his.

            It was interesting how they met.  She went one night to Dangerfield’s where Jackie was the comic that evening.  Usually, after the comedian performed an audience member was allowed on stage with his or her own comedy routine.  Well, many thought my sister was “a natural” and so did Jackie.

            They became friends and Jackie would call my mother’s house to speak to Rene.  When I answered the call he often would engage me in conversation.  He often sent a car to my mother’s house to pick Rene up.  She told me they would walk around the city and loved the Stage Delicatessan in New York.

            My sister and I went to see Jackie’s Broadway show “The World According to Me.”  After the show Rene took me to his dressing room.  He greeted me saying “Hello Annie, you must be the political maven.”

            I told Jackie that I wanted to do a political fundraiser and asked him if he would agree to be our mainliner.  You see, Ralph Ferraioli was running for office and I thought having Jackie would be a great fundraiser.  Jackie agreed and told me how much he would charge me to do it.  I said OK.  He then said “Annie, too bad you didn’t meet me last year before the show, it would have been cheaper.”  I again said OK on the price and he said “Good Annie, I see you are not a haggler…”

            I was very excited and looked at the date that we had reserved at the catering hall.  Well, much to my dismay, I saw that it was the eve of Yom Kippur. I immediately called Jackie and told him that there was no way that we could ever do the event that night.  I told him that I knew and respected Yom Kippur as the Jewish day of Atonement.  He said “ Oh my God, don’t worry we will find another day Annie….”  Because of his schedule we could not find an available night at the catering hall.

            My sister continued to keep in touch with Jackie.  In fact, when she won a Fullbright Fellowship and was teaching in Cambridge, England, Jackie went to visit her.

            I was sorry to hear of his passing and it is so ironic that my sister had said she had been thinking of contacting Jackie recently.

“Shalom Aleichem”, Jackie