Yonkers Rising endorses County Legislator Jose Alvarado for re-election in the democratic primary June 22. We are pleased and impressed with Legislator Alvarado’s last two years in office. He has a renewed spirit to try and improve the lives of the residents of the 17th District, in Southwest Yonkers.
One issue that concerns Yonkers Rising and the people of Southwest Yonkers is the sewage treatment plant. The sewage of the people of Westchester has landed here. Alvarado issued a statement on the treatment plant which showed his knowledge of the issue and what can be done realistically, but quickly, to help the people in the district who have to deal with the fumes.
“The Sewage Treatment Plant has been a sore subject in the Ludlow Park community for decades. Sitting on the Hudson River, the plant is a source of air pollution to the disgust of our residents. Despite cries from locals, officials have done little to fix the problems caused by the plant.
“I have always recognized the air pollution from the plant as a serious health hazard. For years, I have worked to fund various remedial projects to correct the problem.The Ludlow Park community has borne the burden of the entire county’s waste for decades now. Rather than building a plant in another part of the county, Ludlow Park has born the environmental impact. It is well past the time to right this injustice and clean up the plant.” Stated Legislator Alvarado.
“I do not believe that in my lifetime I will see another plant built, whether in the north or elsewhere. Rather than watch our residents get sick, we need to fix the problems that are causing the unhealthy air, while working on responsible development in the surrounding area. I continue to work to keep improvement projects funded and moving forward.
“I have also worked to establish more green space along the water. I have secured $10 million for a county park in the vacant lot adjacent to the plant. I have also partnered with Yonkers Mayor, Mike Spano to establish more green space for our residents along the waterfront.
“Over 19 years, I have supported and advocated for efforts to clean the air in a phased-in approach. Through that work, projects have been undertaken to modernize engines, blower aeration, and flood prevention systems. We have executed four phases of odor control projects.
“Last year alone, $35 million dollars was allocated for further improvements across the facility. $108 million and counting to clean the air for Ludlow Park residents, but we need to do more. I have joined with County Executive George Latimer to request an additional $69 million in federal funds to improve the facility further. The $69 million will go toward the installation of caps on the tanks of the sewage in the treatment process. With the support of our Congressmember, Jamal Bowman, together we intend to lobby the federal government until the funds are allocated,” Alvarado.
Alvarado is on the ballot June 22 with former Legislator Virginia Perez and London Reyes. Alvarado has the support of the Yonkers Democratic Committee, Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, Westchester County Executive George Latimer and others. It would be good to have all of these elected officials, from different parts of government, working together on this project.
This will be a close democratic primary. Virginia Perez is a hard campaigner, and has been out knocking on the same doors that won her re-election to this same county board seat. And London Reyes lost to Alvaraado last year by 300 votes.
While all are qualified to serve, Alvarado will best serve the people of the 17th District, and Southwest Yonkers, as he has done for the past two year. We endorse Alvarado for re-election to the BOL, June 22.