Eric Song, Yorktown High School, Regeneroun Science Semi-Finalist
Among top 300 in High School STEM Competition Selected for Achievements in Innovation and Leadership
By Dan Murphy
Congratulations to the 25 Westchester High School students who were named Regeneron Science 2024 Scholar semifinalists. The 300 scholars will be awarded $2,000 each and their schools will be awarded $2,000 for each enrolled scholar.
“Congratulations to the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2024 scholars, whose exceptional projects demonstrate their ability to use science to improve the world,” said Christina Chan, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs at Regeneron. “In partnership with the Society, we are proud to provide this prestigious national platform that recognizes, celebrates, and rewards students for their curiosity and innovation and encourages them to push the boundaries of science to tackle society’s most pressing issues.”
Five students from Ossining High School were named semifinalists:
Thomas Cong, Age: 17, Ossining High School, Project Title: Overlooked Covariates in Metabolite Abundance Levels: Systematically Quantifying the Information Overlap Between Gene Expression and Metabolism Across Multiple Cancer Types.
Aiden Fel, Age: 17 Ossining High School Project Title: Deficiency of Tetrahydrobiopterin Impairs Cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease and in Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Elena Prisament, Age: 18, Ossining High School. Project Title: Novel Annotations in Machine Translation Facilitate Language Acquisition: A Proof-of-Concept Study
Shae R. Shandroff, Age: 17, Ossining High School. Project Title: The Shortand Long-Term Migratory Patterns of Young-of-Year Shortfin Mako Sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Western North Atlantic With Implications for a Localized Nursery Area.
Anabel Reed, Age: 17, Ossining High School. Project Title: Musical Training Decreases Cognitive Workload During Hearing-in-Noise Tasks Among Adolescents
Four students from Byram Hills High School were named semifinalists:
Daniel Ndocaj, Age: 17, Byram Hills High School. Project Title: Investigating the Potential of Optically Tunable Metasurfaces for Enhanced Detection of Fluorescent Molecules.
Lily Anchin, Age: 17, Byram Hills High School.Project Title: Investigating the Immunophenotypic Differences Among T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients of Distinct Subtype, Sex and Race in Efforts To Improve Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy.
Benjamin Max Levy, Age: 17, Byram Hills High School. Project Title: Using Machine Learning To Uncover Hidden Linguistic Differences Within Online Mental Health Disclosures Between Men and Women.
Jonathan M. Manowitz, Age: 17, Byram Hills High School. Project Title: The
Use of What Remains: Repurposing Harvest Waste From Romaine Lettuce Cultivation for Cell-Based Meat Production
Three students from Briarcliff High School were named semifinalists:
Edmund Tsou, Age: 17, Briarcliff High School. Project Title: Language Models as Catalysts in EEG-Based BCI Speller Systems: A Low-Cost Solution for Paralyzed Patients.
Gautam Gupta, Age: 17, Briarcliff High School. Project Title: Predicting Future Internal Migration Patterns Within the United States Resulting From Shifts in Temperature and Precipitation.
Rashmi Rajeev Narayanan, Age: 17, Briarcliff High School. Project Title: Understanding Pathological Structures of Pyroglutamate Modified Amyloid-β (Aβ) in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Two students from Hastings High School were named semifinalists:
Justin Baldassarre, Age: 18, Hastings High School. Project Title: STING-Rich Ciliated Cells Protect the Fallopian Tube From Early Transformation in the Development of Ovarian Cancer.
Jacob Goldman-Wetzler, Age: 17, Hastings High School. Project Title: Investigating the Impact of Optimal Flashcard Creation Principles on Memory.
Two students from Edgemont High School were named semifinalists:
Jiahe Liu, Age: 17, Edgemont High School. Project Title: Forecasting PostWildfire Vegetation Recovery in California Using a Convolutional Long ShortTerm Memory Tensor Regression Network.
Isabella Jabbour, Age: 17, Edgemont High School. Project Title: Insights Into Cellular Senescence: p16 and p21 Dynamics in Healthy Aging Spinal Cord Tissues.
The rest of the semifinalists from Westchester High Schools are:
Rania Khan, Age: 18, Charles E. Gorton High School. Project Title: Combined Sewer Overflow Neutralizing Agent Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Ramifications on the Vitality of the Tetraselmis Population Within the Hudson River.
Kevin Khitrov, Age: 17, Ardsley High School. Project Title: Autophagy in NonCell Autonomous Regulation of Adipogenesis.
Lucia Marie Lammers, Age: 17, Harrison High School. Project Title: Colorimetric and Spectroscopic Analysis of Textiles Dyed With Local Invasive Plants Species and Waste-Derived Mordants.
Noah Gabriel Sodickson, Age: 17, Mamaroneck High School. Project Title: In Search of Decay: An Analysis of the Transit Times of Hot Jupiters.
Eric Ruike Song, Age: 17, Yorktown High School. Project Title: A Framework for Ransomware Detection and Mitigation.
Joseph Jai Weitzen, Age: 18,Sleepy Hollow High School. Project Title: Discovery and Validation of Tumor-Specific and Tumor-Associated HLA-Presented Peptides in Glioblastoma for Use in Immunotherapeutics.
Christopher Zorn, Age: 17, Irvington High School. Project Title: The Role of MYC in RET Fusion Tumorigenesis and RET Inhibitor Resistance.
Anwen Cao, Age: 17, Horace Greeley High School. Project Title: An Exploration of mTOR in Epstein-Barr Virus: Evaluating the Effect of EBV Deubiquitinating Enzyme BPLF1 on mTOR Complex 1 and 2.
Stella Margaret Goldman Perini, Age: 17. Harrison High School. Project Title: Protective Effects of Resveratrol Following Repetitive Head Injury in Wild Type and Amyloid β42 Drosophila melanogaster.
Aadita Roy, Age: 17. Pelham Memorial High School. Project Title: Pro-Inflammatory Macrophages Induce Pyroptotic Death of β-Cell; Modeling MacrophageMediated Pancreatic Endocrine β-Cell Damage Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Vascularized Macrophage-Islet Organoids.
On January 24, 40 of the 300 scholars will be named Regeneron Science Talent Search finalists. The finalists will then compete for more than $1.8 million in awards during a week-long competition in Washington, D.C., March 6-13, 2024.