Leave your passport home! Westchester County Parks would like you and your family to travel around the world without leaving Westchester County.
The 43rd Annual Polish Heritage Day will kick off the 2022 Cultural Heritage Celebrations on Sunday, May 15, noon to 6 p.m. at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla.
The festival will showcase Polish American cultural exhibits, polka music and dancing featuring a children’s polish school performance. Meet the 2022 Parade Marshall and Miss Polonia, sample authentic Polish foods and baked goods while browsing a variety of vendors selling Polish crafts.
Westchester County Executive George Latimer said, “This celebration kicks off one of our most popular events – our series of ethnic festivals – held in person in our parks. For the first time in two years, thousands of residents will get to travel the world this spring and summer without leaving Westchester. The festivals offer the perfect opportunity to learn about our diverse neighbors and strengthen relationships working towards the enhancement of community solidity.”
Westchester County Parks Commissioner Kathy O’Connor said, “As a community, Westchester County strives to foster diversity, equity and inclusion by educating young and old alike though our Westchester County Parks Programs. I am excited that we can come together in person once again at the Kensico Dam Plaza for the 2022 Cultural Heritage Celebrations.”
The festival will be held rain or shine. Seating is informal; bring blankets or folding chairs for seating on the lawn. No coolers will be allowed. Admission and parking are free.
The other heritage festivals in the series are:
Asian-American, Saturday, June, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
Albanian, Sunday, June 5, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
Irish-American, Saturday, June 25, Noon to 6 p.m., Ridge Road Park, Hartsdale (Admission: $5 adults; free for ages 14 and under)
African-American, Sunday, June 26, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
Hispanic, Sunday, July 10, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
Italian, Sunday, July 24, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
India, Sunday, Aug. 7, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
Jewish, Sunday, Aug. 21, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
Muslim Heritage, Sunday, Aug. 28, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla
Kensico Dam Plaza is located at the north end of the Bronx River Parkway, in Valhalla.
Please be advised that on May 15, June 5 and June 26 the Bronx River Parkway will be closed for Bicycle Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. between Scarsdale Road in Yonkers and the Westchester County Center in White Plains. The park can be accessed via Route 22, from the north or south.
This event is sponsored by Westchester County Parks and the Westchester Pulaski Association.
Interested vendors can email amo517@aol.com.
Go to parks.westchestergov.com or call (914) 864-PARK.