Latimer Says James “Stood up for Our Interests“; James Says Latimer is “A wonderful public leader.”
Did We See Round 1 of James -Latimer Ticket for Gov. and Lt. Gov.?

On Dec. 2, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Deputy County Executive Ken Jenkns, and 12 democrats on the Westchester County Board of legislators joined outside the county office building in White Plains to endorse Letitia James for Governor of NY. James currently serves as the Attorney General of NY.
“It was a month ago today that voters went to the polls across the state and nation, and the media reported about a republican red tide. But here in Westchester that was a false narrative and we had democratic sucesses and pushed back against the red tide,” said Latimer. “We are here to endorse Tish James for Governor because she can bridge the gap or rural, urban and suburban New Yorkers and offer a message of change that can unite us as democrats.”
Joining Latimer in endorsing James was Deputy County Executive Ken Jenkins, BOL Chair Ben Boykin and County Legislators MaryJane Shimsky, Christopher Johnson, Ruth Walter, Nancy Barr, Colin Smith, Vedat Gashi, Catherine Borgia, Catherine Parker, David Tubiolo and Alfreda Williams.
“All of these legislators that stand with me today to support AG James from across Westchester shows who she is and what she has accomplished in her public service. We are here to give a positive statement about Tish James, not a negative comment about the other candidates. We in the democratic party are going to have a family dialougue about how best to move forward and with which individuals and policies,” said Latimer.
“The single biggest thing is that Tish has stood up against powerful interests and she is willing to risk for us. Especially, in the opioid lawsuits that she filed against major pharmaceutical companies, to make the case for you. It benefitted the people of Westchester by providing resources to help address addiction. I am very proud to endorse her,” said Latimer.
James thanked Latimer and all of the Westchester democrats who endorsed her campaign for Governor. “Today it is an honor and privilege to get the support from these elected officials from Westchester who do the work in one of the greatest counties in New York State.”
But James made a point to single out Latimer, and his service to the people of Westchester. Latimer is rumored to be a top candidate under consideration to run for Lt. Governor with James. “I have been an admirer of George Latimer because of his ability to get things done. And that is what this race is about. He has stood up for the environment, and we are both concerned about what the Supreme Court is doing about turning back the clock on women’s reproductive rights. George has reduced taxes and worked with legislators on both sides of the aisle. He is a wonderful public leader and a model that should be replicated,” said James.
James then laid out her progressive vision for New York. “New York is at a crossroads and we must recover from COVID. But this recovery from COVID must be fair and cannot be business as usual. We cannot return to normal. I’m running for Governor because I believe in change, and the people of NY need someone with the courage and the experience to speak truth to power.”
“I will be that Governor. My years of experience have been about fundamental change. I’m running to be a Governor that works for all of us and for a government that provides security, jobs, justice and basic food, dignity and education for all,” said James, who highlighted the fact that she sued the Trump administration 76 times, “took on the NRA for its years of self-dealing and greed,” and “provided transparency in nursing homes, calling the COVID deaths in NY “severly undercounted” in nursing homes.
“I’ve taken 2600 gunes off the street. I’ve taken on Big Tech, Wall Street, by standing up for the most vulnerable New Yorkers. I want to take that activism, energy, ethics and values to the highest office of our land, because all of us are valued and need to be together and heal new york, and get things done.”
When asked directly if Latimer would be her choice for Lt. Governor, James said, “at this point we are vetting a number of candidates but we need someone who shares the same values and is good at getting things done. George Latimer has been a wonderful legislator and county executive.”
When asked about the rash of crime and violence in New York State, James said, “We need to look at this dispationately, but we need to look at bail reform and raise the age, and the gun violence that is affecting counties all over New York.”
James said that Westchester “is the key to the sucess and path to victory and I’m looking forward to working with George to win.”
When asked about her opponent, Governor Kathy Hochul and her lead in fundraising, James said, “I have always been the underdog and underfunded, but I’ve won each time. I am the face of campaign finance reform and small donations. I’m more focused on child care, and beating COVID, and making sure that everyone has food on the table, instead of fund raising. But we will have enough funds to compete and win.
The Latimer-James announcement came a few hours after Governor Hochul announced her list of Westchester endorsements. But the Hochul announcement appeared rushed and in response to the James-Latimer announcement, which had a much better rollout, and showed a real bond between James and Latimer, and Latimer is perhaps the biggest NY democrat to endorse James over Hochul.
The reason that Westchester has become such a political priority in the democratic race for Governor is that many expect Hochul to do well in upstate NY, while James will win NYC, giving Westchester and the suburbs a large role in deciding a democratic nominee, and likely the next Governor.