Shimsky Gets Working Families Party Endorsement for Assembly Over Abinanti

WFP Endorsement comes after winning support of the Westchester County Democrats at mini-convention

Democrat MaryJane Shimsky, running for Assembly in the 92nd District, has been endorsed by the Working Families Party – further building on her campaign’s momentum after receiving the support of the Westchester County Democratic Committee over the incumbent at their mini-convention last week. 
“I’m proud to have the support of the Working Families Party,” said Shimsky. 

“Throughout my career, I’ve devoted myself to advocating for progressive change to help our government better serve our communities and I look forward to continuing that work in the Assembly. From ensuring a fair and thorough recovery from the pandemic to empowering workers and students to investing in our infrastructure and resiliency, I’m ready to get to work in Albany.” 

“The Working Families Party is excited to endorse MaryJane Shimsky for Assembly,” said Sochie Nnaemeka, Director of the New York Working Families Party. “MaryJane is a dedicated leader and she has a strong track record of delivering for working families in Westchester. As we look to recover from the pandemic and overcome inequities in our state, we know MaryJane will be a strong advocate for our progressive values in Albany.” 

First elected to the Board of Legislators in 2011, Shimsky has delivered infrastructure improvements, advanced resiliency and pollution-cutting initiatives, and fought to improve public health, including addressing the opioid epidemic. She became Majority Leader in 2020 and represents the 12th District which includes most of the Town of Greenburgh (Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington, Edgemont, and much of Hartsdale). From 2007 to 2010, she was Community Relations Director for Assemblyman Richard Brodsky. Shimsky graduated from Yale University, and earned her law degree from New York University School of Law and her PhD in History from the City University of New York.

The Primary Election will be on June 28th, 2022. For more information, please visit