of words which suits both sides of our political divide
By Dan Murphy
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents the 14th Congressional District of NY, which includes parts of the Bronx and Queens. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, (aka AOC), represents one of the poorest and most diverse disticts in the county, with her constituents representing more than 150 different ethnic groups.
The AOC that progressive Americans have grown to know and love are accustomed to the narrative that fits her title as the voice of young liberalism in the Democratic Party. She was a bartender in Queens before defeating a long term democratic incumbent in 2018 to become the youngest female congresswoman in history.
But before she was AOC, she was Sandy Cortez, a student at Yorktown High School here in Westchester, where she graduated in 2007.She rarely talks about her time in Yorktown, where her family pooled their money and bought a small home so that she could attend and get educated in a good Westchester school district.
One of AOC’s nemisis’, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, recently commented on her hidden history. “Here’s something you probably didn’t know. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of the streets, actually grew up in an idyllic little town 45 miles north of New York City. It’s called Yorktown Heights.
“You would never know it from listening to her recent race-baiting, but the population of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s hometown is over 90% white. The median family income there is more than double the national average. Real estate listing show million dollar homes on big pieces of gated property.
“It is not Queens. It is a very nice place. This is the “hood” that spawned Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the country’s most privileged revolutionaries. She called herself Sandy Cortez back then. She imagined that every place could be just like Yorktown Heights, if only we got rid of the police, and apparently she still believes that,” said Carlson.
AOC is then quoted in the TV spot saying, “It’s funny because when people ask me, what does a world where we defund the police — where, you know, defunding police looks like? I tell them, it looks like a suburb.”
Carlson continues, “Unfortunately, not everyone lives in a suburb as placid and protected as the one Sandy Cortez grew up in, with all the bake sales and pool parties. Cities like St. Louis and Baltimore are more violent than El Salvador, and they’re getting more dangerous by the day. In Milwaukee, homicides have risen nearly 40 percent just this year.
“Killings there could soon break the city’s all-time record. That’s likely to happen soon in Chicago and Kansas City. Just this weekend in the City of Chicago, 64 people were shot and 11 murdered — 11 corpses in one weekend.
“None of those people died because there were too many cops on the street, they died because, thanks in part to sloganeering from pampered dilettantes like Sandy Cortez, there were too few cops. Less law enforcement in dangerous places means more killings. There’s not much debate about that, at least not among adults.
“New York City disbanded its plainclothes police unit and cut funding for the NYPD by a billion dollars. The result? Shootings in New York are up more than 200 percent compared to this time just last year. Murders are up 21 percent. Burglaries have risen 30 percent.
“It is the most dangerous time to live in New York City in a quarter-century. Just one day ago, on Sunday night, an infant was shot to death while sleeping in a stroller at a cookout in Brooklyn. Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has almost single-handedly destroyed that city, described the child’s murder as so painful.
“Then, de Blasio moved forward with his plans to disable the NYPD. He canceled the hiring of more than a thousand cops. He announced that police will no longer keep the schools safe.
“How will this end? We know very well how it will end. More poor children will die. That will not affect Bill de Blasio though. His family will remain protected by armed security paid for by taxpayers.
“So, will Sandy Cortez, so will Barack Obama. So will the rest of the politicians calling for taking away your protection. They will never suffer the consequences and that’s why they’re for it,” said Carlson on his weekday night FOX show between 8-9 PM.
Rep. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called Fox News’ Tucker Carlson a “white supremacist sympathizer” following his commentary.
“I go back and forth on whether to go on Fox News,” the congresswoman wrote, quote-tweeting a video of the segment, continuing that the principal reason she does not “is squaring the fact that the ad revenue from it bankrolls a white supremacist sympathizer to broadcast an hour-long production of unmitigated racism, without any accountability whatsoever.”
“‘Immigrants are dirty’ is a lazy, tired, racist trope, she continued. “Secondly, environmental injustice is a major motivation as to why we introduced and wrote the Green New Deal the way we did in the first place,” Ocasio-Cortez stated, defending her policy initiative that has also been the focus of many FOX News spots.
We have written about AOC and her Yorktown past, and her time at Yorktown High School. We have recommended that she take another path in explaining where she came from and was educated. Here is our script for AOC.
“I went to a high school in the suburbs that every American child should have the right to attend. That is what I’m fighting for in Congress, educational equality, which we clearly don’t have. My family saved enough money to buy a small home in northern Westchester. This is the story of hard work and living the American Dream. I am so happy that they sacrificed for me but far too many young americans and people of color have substandard schools and get a substandard education.” This is what AOC should have said.
Westchester’s two future members of Congress, Democrats Mondaire Jones and Jamaal Bowman, won their respective primaries with the “AOC playbook,” of progressive and indivisible views.
The reason that Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity and a cast of other characters on Fox mention AOC as often as possible is that she is a lightning rod for conservatives across the country. So much so that two republican opponents to AOC were able to raise more than $4 Million.
Most of that money has already been spent, and wasted according to many –in a Ponzi Scheme of raising money, hiring consultatns and playing the pollical game. More on that story in the weeks to come.